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Head of International Programme Support 국제사업부 부장 채용

핵심 정보

경력 13년 ↑
대졸(2,3년제) 이상
정규직 수습기간 6개월
면접 후 결정
서울 마포구 (재택근무 가능)
최저임금계산에 대한 알림 하단에 명시된 급여, 근무 내용 등이 최저임금에 미달하는 경우 위 내용이 우선합니다.

본 채용정보는 마감되었습니다.

(재)컨선월드와이드한국에서 채용공고가 시작되면 이메일로 알려드립니다.


I. Job Purpose:
- The Head of International Programme Support-Korea will play a key role in the implementation and delivery of Concern Korea’s institutional fundraising programme

II. Main duties & Responsibilities:

1. Strategic Engagement and Leadership
- Provide programme guidance for the long-term strategy plan covering institutional funding opportunities in Korea.
- Design the programme framework in line with Concern’s Global and Country strategy to achieve the organizational goals.
- Lead the International Programme Support Department (IPSD) of Concern Korea to ensure staff capacity, structure, and programme approach and represent the department in the Senior Management Team, ensuring the participative decision-making processes.
- Identify new programme opportunities with internal consultations to develop the grant management strategy in Korea.

2. Project Management
- Manage the development of project proposals in line with the grant opportunities from all the government and institutional donors
- Guide the overall implementation and monitoring of the projects to ensure programme quality at all stages.
- Facilitate the documentation of lessons from the impact of the project and share its performance with wider stakeholders.
- Ensure the quality of reporting in line with results-based management framework and donor guidelines.
- Serve as the Programme Team Leader on behalf of Concern to liaison with potential donors from both Government and private institutions.

3. Communications
- Build relationships and partnerships with Institutional donors, UN agencies and universities to develop the organizational profile of the programme to address hunger and climate change.
- Coordinate and manage the Internal communication with HQ and country offices for all programme related decision making processes.
- Network with related organizations, and stakeholders to build partnerships for shared learning opportunities on common goals.

4. Budget management
- Prepare effective budget planning for all projects to ensure optimum utilization to meet the contractual obligations of the grants.
- Develop and monitor annual income/cost budget projections for timely allocation of the grants to implement the programme.
- Monitor and update the budget in accordance with the budget revision processes of Concern Worldwide.
- Support the finance and marketing functions to assign the general donations for the priority countries and prepare the annual reports.

5. Risk Management
- Identify all risks and implement mitigation measures in conjunction with the organizational and donor guidelines.
- Lead and manage the implementation of Safeguarding policies and procedures, and response to the breach of code of conduct and associated policies of Concern Worldwide.
- Promote and ensure accountability in compliance with the Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS) commitments and quality criteria.

6. Staff management & Development
- Undertake initiatives to promote team spirit to ensure an excellent work environment for quality performance.
- Support and manage the recruitment of new staff members in coordination with the HR functions.
- Mentor staff members to develop their skill base with appropriate training on technical programs for staff members.
- Develop linkages for team members to join potential career development opportunities through cross organizational learning.
- Enhance the motivation of staff through timely performance review delegation, guidance, and management support for team members.

III. Person specification
[Basic Qualification]
• Strong understanding and experience in KOICA, government, and other co-funding project management, also in-country program coordination.
• Understanding of international NGOs and the work culture.
• Proficiency in English and Korean for effective communication and reporting
• Previous work experience in relevant sectors of humanitarian programmes on Climate smart agriculture, Resilient livelihood, WASH and Education.
• Excellent leadership and team management skills in multi-cultural settings.
• Experience in managing security situations in the context of critical incidents
• Empathy with Concern’s mission, vision, goals, and program participants
• Strategic thinking/ planning and problem-solving abilities.
• Willingness to travel overseas

• Post Graduate qualification in relevant field.
• Proven experience (15+ years) of working in the areas of institution/co-funding (Preference for experience of country programme in Asia /Africa)
• At least 5 years’ experience of which in the humanitarian/ international development sector, with senior Management role to lead the team.
• Excellent relationship management skills with the team, donors, and key stakeholders
• Excellent program/ project management and communication skills

IV. To apply
• All applications should be submitted through our official email address, recruit.korea@concern.net, by 15th May

함께하기 위한 방법

  • 접수기간 : 2024년 04월 30일 (화)17시 00분 ~ 2024년 05월 15일 (수) 23시 59분
  • 접수방법 : 우편 지원
  • 이력서양식 : 자사양식

함께하기 위한 여정

  • 서류전형
  • 1차면접
  • 최종합격
기업/서비스 이미지
사무실 전경
컨선 라운지
사무실 초입


(04034) 서울 마포구 양화로11길 12 현담빌딩 5층 서울 2호선 합정역에서 300m 이내

지도 보기

접수기간 및 방법


2024.04.30 17:00
2024.05.15 23:59

관심기업 설정 후 다음 채용시 지원해 보세요.


기타, 외국 법인기업, 재단법인, 비영리..
그 외 기타 협회 및 단체
2015년 8월 3일 (업력 10년차)
95억 7,171만원 (2022년 기준)
서울 마포구 양화로11길 12, 5층 (서교동,현담빌딩)
기업정보 전체보기

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