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Course Instructor (The Electrical and Computer Engineering)

핵심 정보

석사졸업 이상
계약직 6개월 - 기간제
면접 후 결정
인천 연수구
최저임금계산에 대한 알림 하단에 명시된 급여, 근무 내용 등이 최저임금에 미달하는 경우 위 내용이 우선합니다.

본 채용정보는 마감되었습니다.

유타대학교아시아캠퍼스에서 채용공고가 시작되면 이메일로 알려드립니다.


The University of Utah Asia Campus
Course Instructor
(The Electrical and Computer Engineering)

모집부문 및 상세내용

Application Link : https://utah.peopleadmin.com/postings/163349

Jon Summary

The Electrical and Computer Engineering ( ECE ) Department at the University of Utah Asia Campus (U Asia Campus:https://asiacampus.utah.edu/) invites applications for an instructor position (non-career-line, non-tenure-line) position of Course Instructor at U Asia Campus. This is a temporary position for one semester (or/plus summer session); this position’s starting period is as early as Summer 2024 or Fall Semester 2024, with the month beginning in June 2024 or August 2024, in New Songdo City, Incheon, South Korea. The responsibilities are to teach introductory courses of Computer Programming with Python Language (in English). Applicants should hold an EE/CE/CS PhD or Masters degree with teaching experience by the time of employment and exhibit a strong commitment to teaching. Experience with and interest in teaching in a multilingual context are preferred, and international teaching experience is also preferred. U Asia Campus full-time faculty members are provided with health benefit plan, four national insurances of Korea.

U Asia Campus is part of a multi-university campus in New Songdo City, Incheon, South Korea. The city has a well-established transportation network including Incheon International Airport which allows easy travel to international destinations, as well as a convenient subway to Seoul within an hour. U Asia Campus is recognized as a top global education hub in Northeast Asia and around the world with access to the University of Utah’s diverse faculty, staff, and creative academic culture at the Asia Campus. U Asia Campus hosts several undergraduate programs, including Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Games, Communication, Film and Media Arts, Accounting, Information Systems, Psychology, and Urban Ecology. All non-language courses are conducted in English.

The University of Utah is renowned for its engineering programs. This expansion to U Asia Campus creates a unique faculty and student experience for multidisciplinary collaboration, technical leadership, teamwork, and creative excellence. As an international intellectual community, U Asia Campus welcomes outstanding global faculty who encourage diversity, openness, and creative learning and contribute diverse perspectives and experiences to the learning and research environment. Opportunities are available to collaborate with faculty at the main campus in Salt Lake City and utilize the University of Utah’s resources. The position offers growth opportunities for promotion through academic ranks.

Applicants should submit a cover letter, CV, evidence of teaching effectiveness (such as course evaluations, peer review letters and/or a teaching portfolio), and a list references (sought after the initial screening). Individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and ideas who embrace and value diversity and inclusivity are encouraged to apply. All qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, national origin, disability, age, or other personal characteristics. Questions about the position may be directed to Prof. Fatemeh Mahalian at fatima.mahalian@utah.edu or Human Resources at the Utah Asia Campus (UAC) at UAC.HR@umail.utah.edu.

공통 자격요건
ㆍ학력 : 석사 이상
ㆍ경력 : 경력 (년수무관)


근무지역:(21985) 인천 연수구 송도문화로 119-3, 인천글로벌캠퍼스 유타대학교아시아캠퍼스


  1. 서류전형
  2. 1차면접
  3. 최종합격

접수기간 및 방법

접수기간:2024년 4월 18일 (목) 11시 ~ 2024년 5월 17일 (금) 24시

1. Cover Letter

2. Resume

3. Curriculum Vitae

4. List of References
5. Evidence of teaching effectivenes


ㆍ입사지원 서류에 허위사실이 발견될 경우, 채용확정 이후라도 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.


(21985) 인천 연수구 송도문화로 119 인천글로벌캠퍼스 유타대학교

지도 보기

접수기간 및 방법


2024.04.18 11:00
2024.05.17 23:59

관심기업 설정 후 다음 채용시 지원해 보세요.


그레고리 힐
중소기업, 비영리단체/협회
143억 4,503만원 (2023년 기준)
인천 연수구 송도문화로 119-3
* 항목은 기업이 직접 기재하였으며, 본사/지점 등의 정보는 다르게 관리될 수 있습니다.
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