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[닥터자르트] Commercialization and Validation Engineer

핵심 정보

경력 3~5년
대졸(4년제) 이상
정규직 수습기간 3개월
면접 후 결정
출퇴근 시간
서울 강남구 (재택근무 가능)
최저임금계산에 대한 알림 하단에 명시된 급여, 근무 내용 등이 최저임금에 미달하는 경우 위 내용이 우선합니다.

본 채용정보는 마감되었습니다.

해브앤비(유)에서 채용공고가 시작되면 이메일로 알려드립니다.



글로벌 더마 스킨케어 브랜드 Dr.Jart+는 성공적인 브랜드 운영을 기반으로 현재 전세계 40여개국에서 닥터자르트 제품을 만나보실 수 있습니다. 이제는 Estee Lauder Companies와 함께하는 우리의 젊은 도전에 함께 할 전문가를 모집합니다.

 [Dr.Jart+] Commercialization and Validation Engineer

Responsible for delivering and leading the site through Right First Time, technical commercialization of new products and technologies within their segment of the portfolio ensuring world class quality, robust and repeatable process capability, regulatory compliance (validation and documentation), optimal margin, at exceptional speed.  In partnership with manager, engage and collaborate with stakeholders from program brief to delivery to ensure robust and effective technical commercialization plans, risk analysis, remediation plans, and technical gate alignment.



    - Collaborate with other technical development functions through RFT, technical commercialization of new 

      productand technologies ensuring world class quality, robust and repeatable process capability, regulatory 

      compliance(validation/documentation), optimal margin, at exceptional speed.

- Support manager in development and execution of robust, site based commercialization plans for 

  new products and technologies

- Develop/revise and execute validation procedures and protocols as related to equipment, utilities, and processes 

  to ensure that products are manufactured in accordance with appropriate regulatory agency validation 

  requirement and current industry practices. To include Installation Qualification (IQ), Operation Qualification (OQ) 

  protocols for equipment used in the manufacture of OTC drug product, and Process Performance Qualification 

  protocols for revised and new products or processes

- Identify, document and investigate protocol deviations in conjunction with cross functional teams, as required to

  resolve and close out deviations. 

- Lead execution gates 5 and 6 pFMEA / risk assessment and remediation plan development and execution for key

  new product and technology initiatives, collaborating with cross functional technical teams to ensure risk profile 

  is clearly communicated and remediation plans with clear accountabilities are developed and executed

- As needed, represent manager and site based technical commercialization team in technical gate reviews 

  ensuring technical issues are identified and resolved to enable gate progression, delivering expected and aligned

  commercialization outcomes


- In partnership with manager and team, engage / lead commercialization team and stakeholders in site enabled 

  value engineering, champion opportunities to optimize quality, leverage and evolve automation, and collaborate 

  to optimize design, process, cost and performance of new product and technology elements

- In partnership with manager and team, represent site commercialization team in manufacturing location designat

  ion (capability and capacity) and program complexity process for new product launches in support of category 

  strategy and RFT commercialization

- Engaged in/ lead new equipment performance specification development to enable and ensure RFT 

  commercialization and long term performance expectations are met

- Lead site in feasibility/feasibility cost assessments for new products within their segment of the product portfolio

- Participate in technical commercialization process improvement activity across categories and platforms in 

  support of NPL continuous improvement

[Qualifications / Experience]

3-5 relevant FDA validation experience, Solid experience as Manufacturing Process Engineer in FMCG manufacturing plant, Lean manufacturing, Exceptional leadership and influence skills, Great collaborator

Proficient in both Korean and English is essential



- 근무형태 : 정규직 / 경력직

- 근무부서 : CVE 팀

- 근무장소 : 해브앤비 본사 (Hybrid Work) / 서울시 강남구 논현로 72길 M-Space 빌딩 


- 지원방법 : Dr.Jart+ 채용사이트 내 채용공고 지원서 작성

- 모집기간 : 수시채용으로 진행되며, 채용 완료시 기간과 무관하게 마감됩니다 (ASAP)

- 채용 과정 : 서류전형 - 1차 인터뷰 - 2차 인터뷰 - 처우협의 - 최종합격

  전형 결과 및 개별 일정은 합격자에 한해 안내드리고 있으며, 모든 인터뷰는 온라인으로 진행됩니다.

  (경력 및 고용 형태에 따라 채용 전형절차가 추가되거나 변경될 수 있습니다)

- 허위사실이 발견될 경우 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.

- 입사 후 3개월의 수습평가 기간이 존재합니다.



건강검진, 각종 경조사 지원, 헬스비 지급, 문화생활비, 선택적복리후생, 복지카드/...
퇴직연금, 인센티브제, 상여금, 장기근속자 포상, 우수사원포상, 성과급, 직책수당,...
생일선물/파티, 웰컴키트 지급, 장기근속 선물
우수사원시상식, 워크샵, 신규 입사자 교육(OJT), 직무능력향상교육, 리더십 강화교...
근무 환경
휴게실, 회의실, 공기청정기, 카페테리아, 전용 사옥, 노트북, 사원증, 자회사 제품...
수평적 조직문화, 회식강요 안함, 자유복장, 자유로운 연차사용, 님/닉네임 문화
야간교통비지급, 회사차량 있음, 재택근무
연차, 경조휴가제, 반차, Refresh휴가, 근로자의 날 휴무, 포상휴가, 산전 후 휴가, 육...


(135-080) 서울 강남구 역삼동 769-8 엠스페이스빌딩 2~6층 서울 2호선 역삼역에서 800m 이내

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접수기간 및 방법


2024.03.05 10:00
2024.05.05 00:00

관심기업 설정 후 다음 채용시 지원해 보세요.

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