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[외국계 기업] 신입/경력 채용

핵심 정보

신입·경력 3~5년
대졸(4년제) 이상
정규직, 계약직
회사내규에 따름
서울 마포구, 경기 이천시, 부산전체
최저임금계산에 대한 알림 하단에 명시된 급여, 근무 내용 등이 최저임금에 미달하는 경우 위 내용이 우선합니다. 본 채용정보는 2024년 1월 1일 부터는  2024년 최저임금을 준수 합니다.

본 채용정보는 마감되었습니다.

퀴네앤드나겔(주)에서 채용공고가 시작되면 이메일로 알려드립니다.


[외국계 기업] 신입/경력 채용
직무 근무지 경력요건 자격 요건
HR 서울 Recruitment & Payroll Administration
3년이상 유경험자
ㆍ영어 가능자
ㆍ동종업계/동종직무 경력자 우대
ㆍExecl, PPT등 오피스 활용능력
   우수자 우대
전산 / IT Assistant 컴퓨터 공학 전공자
시스템/서버 유지/보수/관리 7년 이하 유경험자
외국계 IT 담당 경력자 우대
(영어 활용능력 표기요망)
Sea Export/Import
포워딩 해운수출/입 Operating
5년이상 경력자
Warehouse Staff 경기도
신입 지원 가능
(차량소지자 및 지게차 운전 가능자 우대)
Sea Export
부산 포워딩 해운수출 LCL operation
유경험자 우대
icon 직무내용
HR (Talent Acquisition ㆍC&B)
ㆍWork on Talent Acquisition to ensure delivery of effective hiring and resourcing plans.
ㆍCreates cohesive and effective path for potential staffs. Make right people available at right time by recruiting,
    training and developing talent.
ㆍLead/support all Talent Acquisition related projects
ㆍFocus on employer branding, including but not limit to universities relationship development.
ㆍProcess all salary and allowance payments, increments, bonus payments, sales incentive payments, processing   
    overtime payments, producing internally required reports and ensure that new starters and exiting employees are     processed in a timely manner.
ㆍEnsure consistent benchmark quality data and perform benchmark analysis/comparisons for remuneration
    and benefits
ㆍManage the employee benefits, seek continuous improvement
ㆍLead/support all C&B related projects
ㆍEnsures that all remuneration data of employees are correct and fully up to date in HR systems
ㆍAdvisory role on all C&B matters

IT Assistant
ㆍTo Assist personnel with PCs, servers, networks, printers, and software
ㆍTo Perform routine network and PC installation, and troubleshoot, maintain and resolve any related problems
ㆍTo Back up local systems on scheduled intervals
ㆍTo Do document processes and procedures
ㆍTo Maintain ticketing system for prioritizing tasks
ㆍTo Be the primary point of contact for personnel with any IT question or task
ㆍTo Grant/revoke access to various internal and external systems
ㆍTo Perform other duties and additional tasks as assigned

Sea Export/Import Operator
ㆍTo process all Seafreight export/import bookings and dispatch requirements accurately and
    within agreed timeframes.
ㆍTo ensure that document processing requirements meet agreed customer service standards,
    while maintaining departmental KPIs.
ㆍTo ensure that all documentation is filed or scanned as per operational and company requirements.
ㆍTo ensure all Seafreight rates are checked and are accurate at all times
ㆍTo manage customer complaints in a professional manner, taking appropriate corrective action and/or
    notify relevant person and office to prevent a re-occurrence of customer complaints.
ㆍTo follow all procedures and reporting requirements in relation to the company policies and working instructions.
ㆍTo Perform other duties and additional tasks as assigned

Warehouse Staff
ㆍWarehouse Admin : List preparation, Unloading, Picking, Packing, Cargo Inspection, System order processing
ㆍOffice Management
ㆍCycle Count : Rack/shelve/drawer item count, Re-count on discrepancy.
ㆍQuality Management : 5S, Continuous Improvement activity, Lean Six Sigma Belt project
icon 제출서류
ㆍ국영문 이력서 및 자기소개서 (경력기술서)
icon 지원방법 및 접수기간
ㆍ지원방법 : 사람인 온라인 입사지원 / 이메일 지원 (elly.oh@kuehne-nagel.com)
ㆍ접수기간 : 2020년 11월 30일(월) 24시까지
   ※ 수시로 면접이 진행되며, 채용시 조기 마감될 수 있습니다.
   ※ 서류합격자에 한해 유선으로 연락드립니다.
Designed by saramin

접수기간 및 방법


2020.11.06 00:00
2020.11.30 23:59

관심기업 설정 후 다음 채용시 지원해 보세요.

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