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조회기간 2025.02.20 ~ 2025.03.19

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한눈에 보는 우리 회사, 미리 확인해 보세요!

  • 업력 19년차

    2007년 12월 11일 설립

  • 기업형태: 중소기업, 외국인 투자기업, 주식회사, 연구소, 병역특례 인증업체, 수출입 기업


  • 29 명
    출처: 국민연금


  • 71억 754만원


주형 및 금형 제조업



경기 평택시 청북읍 현곡산단로94번길 20


알케미몰드앤플라스틱은 2007년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 24억 매출액 약 70억원 사원수 31명규모의 고용노동부에서 선정한 강소기업입니다. 경기도 평택시 청북읍 현곡리에 위치하고있으며, 금형 플라스틱성형 사업을 하고있습니다.


알케미몰드엔플라스틱은 우리나라 최초로 인도에서 출자하여 만든 회사입니다. 금형및 플라스틱성형을 주품목으로 하고 있습니다. 금형은 일반적인 금형이 아닌 멀티케비티 금형과,초고속생산성 금형을 제작하는 업체이며 기술적인 우위를 바탕으로 세계굴지의 글로벌 회사와 거래를 하고 있습니다.

Alchemy has established itself as a premier mold shop for Manufacturing of High Quality Molds and Tooling for Injection Blow Molding, Injection Molding, Extrusion Blow Molding and Injection Stretch Blow Molding. Specializing in the manufacture of High Quality Molds for caps, closures with In-Mold Closing Device, bottles and containers.

Alchemy has invested in Advanced, high precision machines, robotics and other new technologies which makes it stand out.

In today’s difficult time’s where the customers are looking for a best quality keeping in mind the lowest capital cost Alchemy Mold and Plastic Ltd. was established to form a bridge between these 2 important factors of any product; Quality and Price.

Alchemy Mold & Plastic Ltd. has established itself as a premier mold shop for manufacturing of High Quality Molds and Tooling for Injection Blow Molding, Injection Molding, Extrusion Blow Molding and Injection Stretch Blow Molding. Specializing in the manufacture of High Quality Molds for caps, closures with In-Mold Closing Device, bottles and containers. Alchemy has invested in Advanced, high precision machines, robotics and other new technologies which makes it stand out."

The company’s specializes in high precision molds which are of complex designs, multi-cavity, fully hot runner, two-shot, stack, unscrewing, in-mold closing systems. In addition, the company prides itself on the fact that they routinely build molds with fully interchangeable cavities and cores.

The core strategy of the company to have a greater edge over its competitors is as follows:

Drive Innovative Products and Technology through Design and Product Development team Speed to market
Productivity Grow market share – new innovative package for Brand value Superior quality and service with focus on cost reduction The company’s strategy has been devised to not only reduce the capital costs for its customers but also to provide a greater advantage i.e. launch new innovative products in the market in a shorter span than competition. This hugely impresses Alchemy’s customers as they are able to reach the market with their new products before the consumer behavior changes to another level.

The company credits the most modern equipment combined with the latest in software as a major factor in the company’s continued success. The success is based on its quality and its mission which is to listen and communicate in order to meet the requirements and demands of each and every one.

NICE 평가정보 출처 : 설립일, 기업형태, 매출액, 업종, 대표자명, 사업내용, 주소
국민연금 출처 : 사원수
기업 직접입력 : 홈페이지, 기업소개, 기업비전

우리는 단단하게 성장하고 있어요

  • 2009
    • 04월

      기업부설연구소 인정(한국산업기술 진흥협회)

    • 04월

      자본금 증자(자본금:2,028백만원)

    • 04월

      외국인 투자기업 등록(한국외환은행)

  • 2008
    • 01월

      본사 이전 : 경기 평택시 청북면 현곡리 461-2

  • 2007
    • 12월

      회사 설립(본사:경기 평택시 청북면 어연리 180-2 1호/대표이사:김종현)

출처 : NICE평가정보

우리는 직원의 복리후생도 중요해요

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인원 규모를 파악해 보세요!

전체 사원수 29
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연봉정보 바로가기 출처 : 국민연금
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