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2% 182회
기업 키워드 검색 횟수
한눈에 보는 우리 회사, 미리 확인해 보세요!
- 대표자명
1.Position : Architect/Civil/Electrical/Mechanical Engineer
2.Annual Salary Range : 24,000,000~44,000,000 Won comemensurate with experience and qualification.
3.Duty location : Seoul, Korea
4.Qualification : Bachelor's degree or higher in the field, Posess proficiency in English speaking and writing. Experience preferred. 1st Class Engineer licence and CAD certificate preferred.
5.Type of Appt; Full time
Tour of duty : 40 hours a week
6.Benefits : Health/Employment insurance, National Pension,School expenses support for up to 2 children
7.How to apply : Application for employment(USFK Form 130EK)filled in bilingual, English and Korean.
Form is available : www.cpoc-usfk-job.com
Verification for experience and education, licence etc, issued within the last 6 months
8.Where to Apply : Email;www.cpoc-usfk-job.com
1st cutoff date : 30 November 2003
기업 직접입력 : 대표자명, 홈페이지, 기업비전