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조회기간 2025.02.13 ~ 2025.03.12

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가구 소매업

주방가구 소매/사업지원,경영컨설팅


서울 광진구 아차산로 466, 5층

미국 주방용품 브랜드 행정지원기업

Saladmaster is a global organization with integrity, quality, and
innovation that spans more than 70 years. Saladmaster’s history of
growth and expansion extends to the original founding of the company
in 1946 by Harry Lemmons, whose vision was for everyone in the world
to experience Saladmaster. Today, the privately owned company is
headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas with product distribution in more than
45 countries through Independent Authorized Dealers.
Saladmaster is in the business of making life better. The Saladmaster
opportunity has helped people around the world discover extra income,
a rewarding career and a more satisfying, healthy lifestyle. They empower
people with equipment, knowledge, support and training, enabling
them to achieve incredible transformations in life. Saladmaster’s stateof-the-art 316Ti Stainless Steel with Titanium cookware is manufactured
in the USA and produced with the highest quality of steel. Saladmaster
delivers on every product promise they make by maintaining the quality
and integrity of their cookware through rigorous testing using the latest
technology and industry advancement, and this quality is backed by a
Limited Lifetime Warranty.
Saladmaster’s mission is to utilize cooking to inspire the world to eat
better, live better and achieve the life they desire. And they are dedicated
to doing just that. For example, Saladmaster is a proud sponsor of the
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), a nonprofit
organization that promotes preventive medicine, conducts clinical
research and encourages high research standards. In addition, in early
2015, Saladmaster initiated a ‘partnership for change’ with Christian
Aid to address the adverse health, livelihood and environmental
impacts of solid fuel in more than half of the world’s population, and
the development of Improved Cook Stoves (ICS). Use of ICS has been
shown to improve cooking efficiency when compared with traditional
cooking methods, reducing the quantity of cooking fuel required and
time expended in collecting such fuels. Consequently, this delivers the
potential to improve health, increase household income and benefit the
environment and global climate.
Saladmaster’s core values of family, innovation, faith, community,
integrity, education and quality define the company. Saladmaster is a
proud member of the Direct Selling Association (DSA) and is one of the
longest operating companies in the direct sales industry


Saladmaster is a global organization with integrity, quality, and
innovation that spans more than 70 years. Saladmaster’s history of
growth and expansion extends to the original founding of the company
in 1946 by Harry Lemmons, whose vision was for everyone in the world
to experience Saladmaster. Today, the privately owned company is
headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas with product distribution in more than
45 countries through Independent Authorized Dealers.
Saladmaster is in the business of making life better. The Saladmaster
opportunity has helped people around the world discover extra income,
a rewarding career and a more satisfying, healthy lifestyle. They empower
people with equipment, knowledge, support and training, enabling
them to achieve incredible transformations in life. Saladmaster’s stateof-the-art 316Ti Stainless Steel with Titanium cookware is manufactured
in the USA and produced with the highest quality of steel. Saladmaster
delivers on every product promise they make by maintaining the quality
and integrity of their cookware through rigorous testing using the latest
technology and industry advancement, and this quality is backed by a
Limited Lifetime Warranty.
Saladmaster’s mission is to utilize cooking to inspire the world to eat
better, live better and achieve the life they desire. And they are dedicated
to doing just that. For example, Saladmaster is a proud sponsor of the
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), a nonprofit
organization that promotes preventive medicine, conducts clinical
research and encourages high research standards. In addition, in early
2015, Saladmaster initiated a ‘partnership for change’ with Christian
Aid to address the adverse health, livelihood and environmental
impacts of solid fuel in more than half of the world’s population, and
the development of Improved Cook Stoves (ICS). Use of ICS has been
shown to improve cooking efficiency when compared with traditional
cooking methods, reducing the quantity of cooking fuel required and
time expended in collecting such fuels. Consequently, this delivers the
potential to improve health, increase household income and benefit the
environment and global climate.
Saladmaster’s core values of family, innovation, faith, community,
integrity, education and quality define the company. Saladmaster is a
proud member of the Direct Selling Association (DSA) and is one of the
longest operating companies in the direct sales industry

NICE 평가정보 출처 : 기업형태, 업종, 대표자명, 사업내용, 주소
기업 직접입력 : 홈페이지, SNS, 기업 한줄소개, 기업소개, 기업비전

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