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#지하철5호선 5
업력 4년차
2022년 5월 9일 설립
기업형태: 중견기업, 외국인 투자기업, 유한회사, 사단법인
- 업종
- 운송·운수·물류
- 대표자명
- 레온하르트 프랑크 임캄프
- 사업내용
TGW is a worldwide supplier of highly automated, efficient and future-proof intralogistics systems with more than 4000 employees around the world
- 주소
서울 강서구 마곡중앙6로 42 사이언스타
TGW Korea Co., Ltd. is a part of TGW Logistics Group located in Seoul, South Korea.
TGW solves its customers' supply chain challenges with highly automated, efficient and future-proof intralogistics systems. Every day, the vision of the autonomous fulfillment center gives us a renewed sense of motivation to give our best. In our core markets of Fashion & Apparel, Grocery and Industrial & Consumer Goods, we build on strong partnerships that include everything from planning to implementation to lifetime services.
In the 2020/2021 business year, TGW generated a total turnover of 813 million euros.
As a foundation company, we have an owner that enables long-term thinking on behalf of our customers and the more than 4,000 employees we have worldwide. Entrepreneurial action and social responsibility are inseparably linked at TGW. This is entirely in accord with our philosophy of "Focusing on People – Learning and Growing"
"Focusing on people – Learning and Growing". TGW cannot be sold and is a stable financial partner and reliable employer. The majority of profits stay in the company and are reinvested – in our employees and the technologies of tomorrow. In addition, ten percent of profits go to charitable projects.
The combination of business success and appreciative interactions plays a central role at TGW. Our value system is the basis for how we interact with each other and for our continued success in the future. The consistent implementation of our corporate culture and values is a form of securing our future and expressing our exemplary entrepreneurship. It is a powerful guide launching us into a successful future.
기업 직접입력 : 설립일, 기업형태, 업종, 대표자명, 홈페이지, 사업내용, 주소, SNS, 기업소개, 기업비전
우리는 단단하게 성장하고 있어요
TGW develops all essential components of its solutions in-house, including the software, control system, robotics and mechatronic modules. In doing so, we think beyond the boundaries of what is currently possible and embark on new paths. The vision of the autonomous fulfillment center gives us wings. We shape the future by creating innovations and pioneering technologies that set the standard for high performance in our industry. This claim is our hallmark and a constant source of motivation.
The foundation-owned company currently has more than 4,000 employees on three continents and generated a revenue of 813 million euros in the 2020/21 fiscal year.
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- 육아휴직
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