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조회기간 2025.02.17 ~ 2025.03.16

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    2018년 3월 16일 설립

  • 기업형태: 중소기업, 외국인 투자기업, 유한회사, 수출입 기업


  • 13억 8,131만원


화장품 및 화장용품 도매업

화장품,아이,임산부용 의복 도소매,상품수출입/의약외품(여성 위생용품) 소매


경기 성남시 분당구 황새울로 216, 2층 202호

스웨덴 NATY AB의 한국지사

The beginning

In the middle of the 1990’s I was a corporate lawyer with two boys and a burgeoning sense of environmental awareness. By coincidence I happened to read a newspaper article about the damaging effects disposable diapers had on the Swedish environment. The article said that each baby caused in average a half-ton of used diapers every year. Even more alarming was the fact that traditional disposable diapers were mainly made of plastic from oil. The burden on nature was huge and there were no good alternatives around. This was upsetting! I could not let go of the idea that there had to be a better way of making diapers. So, after five years of research, hard work and development I changed my life completely, from lawyer to an ecological entrepreneur. I started Eco by Naty and launched a eco diaper. This was followed by a line of baby care products, ranging from skincare wipes to pull-on pants.

No shortcuts

We could have gone down the route of just using green colored packs claiming our diapers are eco-friendly, as there is no certification in this segment. Our competitors play this game. I had no intention to do so. I knew there were no shortcuts if you want to make a real change. We use high quality bio-based materials that cost up to five times more than standard materials. We do the research, we take the risk and pay the costs for the development, so that we can offer substantially better solutions than the existing ones.

Certificates you can trust

Also when it comes to earn the consumer’s trust we go our own way. We don’t search validations from eco organizations that give away their certificates easily, we turn to the ones with the highest demands. Eco by Naty is the first eco diaper to receive OK Biobased Certification by Vincotte, one of the world’s most demanding independent certifications. All our product lines now have this certification. It is the strongest proof of ecological excellence we know of today.

The edge

"Today Eco by Naty is the market leading diaper in the eco-friendly segment. This shows that the consumer thirsts for real ecological value without having to compromise performance. Over the years we have invested millions in groundbreaking technology. We are at the edge of the ecological development, and determined to stay so in the future. I started my company with the determination to make high performance products that were friendlier on nature, healthier for the child and with outstanding performance. Eco by Naty is all that.”

Marlene Sandberg, CEO and founder


Eco by Naty is a Swedish company with offices located all around the world. We are a truly global urban city brand who sell in 32 countries worldwide. We have since our start in 1994 been the interrupter in the diaper industry by going our own way to create healthy and Eco products and we are always looking for brilliant people that want to grow together with us. We give you the possibility to influence, take ownership, and be a part of a journey that only just begun.

Our business model means every day is difference. Change is coming be prepared to adapt. You will be working in a global fast-paced and rapid-growing environment, constantly provided with new and exciting challenges. We take pride in building everything in-house, are all about constant learning and with that finding our own way of doing business.

We do things differently, don’t chase our Imitated others – Innovate ahead off them. Make the impossible happen. We are int it together . Never say “ that’s not my job”.

NICE 평가정보 출처 : 설립일, 기업형태, 매출액, 업종, 대표자명, 사업내용, 주소
기업 직접입력 : 홈페이지, SNS, 기업 한줄소개, 기업소개, 기업비전

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