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조회기간 2024.11.16 ~ 2024.12.15

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  • 관심기업
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한눈에 보는 우리 회사, 미리 확인해 보세요!

  • 24 명
    출처: 국민연금



경남 사천시 사남면 조동길 49-22 경남국제외국인학교


Gyeongnam International Foreign School (GIFS) is a K-12 co-educational institution offering students and families a truly international educational opportunity. GIFS students come to us from near and far around the world. In this multicultural and multilingual environment, students have the opportunity to learn about themselves and each other in a rapidly changing globalized world. We are committed to providing a high quality education that connects students to the local community as well as other international schools in South Korea.

국민연금 출처 : 사원수
기업 직접입력 : 업종, 대표자명, 홈페이지, 주소, 기업비전

우리는 단단하게 성장하고 있어요

Welcome to Gyeongnam International Foreign School. G.I.F.S. was established in 2003 to provide a quality education, utilizing an American curriculum for students of all nationalities from Preschool through 12th Grade. The school has witnessed continuous growth from a handful of students in 2003 to about 120 students in 2009.

Gyeongnam International Foreign School is a private, independent, international day school with a strong commitment to providing a nurturing learning environment for all students. The school has made significant progress in terms of providing an excellent curriculum, qualified and dedicated teaching staff, and attractive facilities. GIFS is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

The progressive school provides a wide range of learning activities as part of both the regular curriculum and after school activities. It is organized into three divisions: Preschool, Elementary (k to 5) and Middle/High School (6 to 12). Our learning community is richly diverse with students representing approximately 25 nationalities.The small student body guarantees a favorable student-teacher ratio and fosters a positive, caring relationship between younger and older students.
출처 : 기업 직접입력

인원 규모를 파악해 보세요!

전체 사원수 24
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연봉정보 바로가기 출처 : 국민연금
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