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기업형태: 중소기업, 외국 법인기업, 주식회사
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서울 서초구 바우뫼로37길 18, 9층
쿠리키 앤드 소파 코리아(Kulicke & Soffa Korea)는 미국과 싱가폴에 본사를 두고 있는 Kulicke & Soffa의 한국 지사입니다.
본사는 1951년에 설립되었으며, 한국 지사는 1996년 설립되었습니다.
현재 Kulicke & Soffa는 미국 나스닥에 상장되어 있으며, 반도체 장비 분야에서 전 세계 최고 수준입니다.
Kulicke & Soffa Manufacturing Co.
Kulicke & Soffa (NASDAQ: KLIC) is a leading provider of semiconductor, LED and electronic assembly solutions serving the global automotive, consumer, communications, computing and industrial markets. Founded in 1951, K&S prides itself on establishing foundations for technological advancement - creating pioneering interconnect solutions that enable performance improvements, power efficiency, form-factor reductions and assembly excellence of current and next-generation semiconductor devices.
Leveraging decades of development proficiency and extensive process technology expertise, Kulicke & Soffa’s expanding portfolio provides equipment solutions, aftermarket products and services supporting a comprehensive set of interconnect technologies including wire bonding, advanced packaging, lithography, and electronics assembly. Dedicated to empowering technological discovery, always, K&S collaborates with customers and technology partners to push the boundaries of possibility, enabling a smarter future.
1956 - On November 26, Kulicke & Soffa Manufacturing Company Inc. was incorporated.
1971 - K&S became one of the first technology companies to list on the NASDAQ.
1979 - Frederick W. Kulicke Jr. was honored with SEMI's first Lifetime Achievement Award. (For his contribution in wire bonding and die attach in the area of assembly equipment.)
1981 - K&S opened its sales & service office in Japan and introduced its revolutionary 1482 automatic gold wire ball bonder.
1985 - Albert Soffa won the SEMI Lifetime Achievement Award. (For his contribution in manual and automatic wire bonders in the area of assembly equipment.)
1996 - K&S and Delco Electronics established Flip Chip Technologies.
2000 - K&S opened its manufacturing facility in Singapore and introduced the world's fastest and finest pitch wire bonders. (8028s, 8028pps)
2003 - K&S opened its first China-based manufacturing facility.
2007 - K&S acquired Alphasem, a leading supplier of die bonding equipment.
2008 - K&S acquired Orthodyne Electronics, a leading supplier of heavy wire wedge bonding equipment, and launched its Power Series of assembly equipment.
2010 - K&S expanded its operations in Singapore.
2014 - K&S opened the K&S Corporate Headquarters building in Singapore.
2015 - K&S acquired Assembleon to expand its advanced packaging and electronics assembly portfolios.
2016 - K&S celebrated 65 years of excellence in technology, innovation, and solutions.
2018 - K&S opened its China Demo Center in Suzhou.
NICE 평가정보 출처 : 기업형태, 업종, 대표자명, 사업내용, 주소
국민연금 출처 : 사원수
기업 직접입력 : 홈페이지, 기업 한줄소개, 기업소개
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