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한눈에 보는 우리 회사, 미리 확인해 보세요!
업력 35년차
1991년 11월 21일 설립
9 명출처: 국민연금
205억 5,000만원
- 업종
- 유통·무역·상사
- 대표자명
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진공펌프 수입 및 판매
- 주소
경기 성남시 중원구 상대원1동 442-5 쌍용IT트윈타워 B동 701호
가드너덴버코리아㈜는 Gardner Denver Inc 의 자회사로 진공펌프의 세계적 선두기업의 명성을 이어온 회사로써 Paper, Power, Chemical and Food Plant 에 진공펌프를 제작 판매하는 한국내 회사 입니다.
Gardner Denver, Inc. is a leading global manufacturer of highly engineered reciprocating, rotary and vane compressors, liquid ring pumps and blowers for various industrial and transportation applications, pumps used in the petroleum and industrial markets, and other fluid transfer equipment serving chemical, petroleum, and food industries. Our products and engineered solutions are sold through multi-channel, worldwide distribution systems and are used for applications in virtually every market sector, ranging from industrial movement, to environmental processes, to healthcare applications and energy production. Our strategy focuses on growth through acquisition, increased market share, product development, cost reductions and penetration of niche markets that are expanding faster than the global economy.
Gardner Denvers operations are organized into two reportable segments -- Compressor and Vacuum Products and Fluid Transfer Products. In the Compressor and Vacuum Products segment, we design, manufacture, market and service the following products for industrial and commercial applications: rotary screw, reciprocating, sliding vane and centrifugal compressors; positive displacement, centrifugal and side channel blowers; and liquid ring pumps and engineered systems. With the July 2005 acquisition of Thomas Industries Inc., the product range now also includes single-piece piston reciprocating, diaphragm, and linear compressor and vacuum pumps primarily serving OEM applications.
In the Fluid Transfer Products segment, we design, manufacture, market and service a diverse group of pumps, water jetting systems and related aftermarket parts used in oil and natural gas well drilling, servicing and production and in industrial cleaning and maintenance. This segments products also include loading arms, swivel joints, couplers, valves, fall protection and access equipment used to load and unload ships, tank trucks and rail cars.
Gardner Denvers experienced management team is committed to creating value for its shareholders through effective implementation of its strategy and sound corporate governance.
국민연금 출처 : 사원수
기업 직접입력 : 설립일, 매출액, 업종, 대표자명, 홈페이지, 사업내용, 주소, 기업비전
우리는 단단하게 성장하고 있어요
진공펌프류 수입 판매회사
2002. 08. 29 Thomas Group과 합병
리췰레토마스코리아 주식회사로 사명변경
Thomas 제품, 의료기기, Welch 제품등 시장 확대
2003. 07. 22 사무실 이전
경기도 성남시 중원구 상대원동 중앙인더스피아
2005. 03. 09 Thomas Industry 와 Gardner Denver Inc. 사이의 M&A 체결
2006. 10.18 가드너덴버코리아㈜로 사명 변경 (Gardner Denver Korea Ltd.)
2013. 10.15 가드너덴버코리아(주)성남지점 설립
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