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#지하철수인분당 수인분당
#지하철2호선 2
업력 17년차
2009년 12월 18일 설립
기업형태: 중소기업, 외국 법인기업, 유한회사, 외부감사법인
- 업종
- 시장조사 및 여론조사업
- 대표자명
- 알베르토캐툴로
- 홈페이지
- http://www.carel.com
- 사업내용
- 주소
서울 강남구 역삼로65길 15, 401호
The CAREL Group subsidiaries operate directly in their reference geographic area, while coming under the umbrella of headquarters both departmentally and as regards company hierarchy. Moreover, CAREL has created two “virtual” subsidiaries, CAREL Italia and CAREL Export, within the CAREL Industries S.r.l. company structure. The Export “subsidiary” operates in all countries that are not managed directly by the other subsidiaries.
In addition these, the company also has special commercial relationships with its “affiliates”. Currently (2009) these are: CAREL Thailand, CAREL Korea, CAREL Turkey, CAREL Ireland and CAREL Spol (the latter covers the Czech and Slovak markets). The affiliates are coordinated by one of the subsidiaries, based on its geographic location,. The subsidiaries also deal with customer support and the customisation of software for HVAC/R applications upon customer request; compared to our competitors, our strategy is to operate in and support the markets through a sales network that is as direct as possible at a global level. For this reason, the CAREL sales network is completed by dozens of agents and distributors located all over the world, which report directly to their reference subsidiary
NICE 평가정보 출처 : 설립일, 기업형태, 업종, 대표자명, 사업내용, 주소
기업 직접입력 : 홈페이지, 기업비전
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