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6% 17회
기업 키워드 검색 횟수
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한눈에 보는 우리 회사, 미리 확인해 보세요!
기업형태: 중소기업, 외국 법인기업, 유한회사
125억 8,727만원
- 업종
- 1차 금속제품 도매업
- 대표자명
- 마이클제임스코너스
- 사업내용
- 주소
서울 송파구 송파대로 155, 412호 (문정동,엔에이치빌딩)
The Timken Company manufactures engineered bearings, alloy and specialty steel, and related components. Its product lines include anti-friction bearings and steel products. The company offers tapered roller bearings, precision cylindrical and ball bearings, spherical and cylindrical bearings, needle bearings. Its bearings are used in horse-drawn wagons, passenger cars, light and heavy trucks, trains, very small gear drives, wind energy machines, large gear drives, rolling mills, and other process industry and infrastructure development applications. The company also provides bearing reconditioning services for industrial and railroad customers. Its steel products include steels of low and intermediate alloy, vacuum-processed alloys, tool steel, and some carbon grades, which are available in various solid and tubular sections. Its steel products are used in various applications, including bearings, automotive transmissions, engine crankshafts, oil drilling, aerospace, and other similarly demanding applications. Timken also produces custom-made steel products. The company sells its products to anti-friction bearing companies, original equipment manufacturers, and industrial distributors, as well as serves the aircraft, automotive and truck, construction, forging, oil and gas drilling, and tooling industries worldwide. The Timken was founded in 1897 and is headquartered in Canton, Ohio.
NICE 평가정보 출처 : 기업형태, 매출액, 업종, 대표자명, 사업내용, 주소
기업 직접입력 : 기업 한줄소개, 기업소개
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