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#지하철2호선 2
사무실 입구
업무 진행
기업형태: 중소기업, 외국 법인기업, 유한회사
- 업종
- 시장조사 및 여론조사업
- 대표자명
- 홈페이지
- http://www.lera.com
- 사업내용
시장조사,구조설계관련 연구개발
- 주소
서울 성동구 성수일로4길 25, 701호
LERA Consulting Structural Engineers (LERA) is a M/WBE structural engineering firm providing services to architects, owners, contractors, and developers. Since our founding in 1923, we have designed numerous landmark projects across the world, and established a strong reputation for design and technical excellence. Today, LERA’s talented professionals continue the tradition of creating innovative, yet constructible and economical structural designs.
Our portfolio includes a wide variety of building types of every size and level of complexity. We have accomplished unique and award-winning designs for new buildings as well as renovations to existing and historic structures. Our services include complete structural designs, feasibility studies, peer reviews, value engineering, blast analysis and design, forensic consulting, and special inspections.
Headquartered in New York City, LERA also operates offices in Mumbai, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Seoul.
NICE 평가정보 출처 : 기업형태, 업종, 대표자명, 사업내용, 주소
기업 직접입력 : 홈페이지, SNS, 기업비전
우리는 직원의 복리후생도 중요해요
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근무 환경
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- 카페테리아
- 사무용품 지급
- 최고 성능 컴퓨터
- 탄력근무제
- 주 40시간제 시행
- 자율 근무제