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조회기간 2024.11.14 ~ 2024.12.13

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한눈에 보는 우리 회사, 미리 확인해 보세요!

  • 업력 19년차

    2006년 6월 15일 설립

  • 기업형태: 중소기업, 외국인 투자기업, 유한회사, 수출입 기업


기타 자동차 신품 부품 및 내장품 판매업

자동차부품,부속품 도소매/플라스틱사출성형


경기 화성시 동탄기흥로 121


아레이몬드 유한책임회사


Sustainability, innovation, exchange

« Our mission is to create value »

A family business geared towards the future

Created in 1865, the ARaymond Network* has, for several generations, developed manufactured and marketed fastening and assembly solutions. Its status as a family business allows each descendant to consider its long-term development, outside of the financial requirements imposed by investors.
The concepts of continuity and independence of the family business are part of ARaymond Network key values.

One of the leaders in the automotive market, the ARaymond Network has gradually transferred its expertise and skills to new markets: TRUCK, INDUSTRIAL, ENERGIES, AGRICULTURE, and LIFE.

Innovation is in our company's DNA

Since its inception, the ARaymond Network has known how to be inventive by creating the press-stud, a small assembly now used worldwide.
A core value of the Network, innovation has always been encouraged and developed within teams. More than an exclusively product-focused approach; it is now deployed at all levels of the Network: manufacturing processes, customer services, management methods, etc.

A Network of "teams that work together"

The attention paid to the men and women who comprise the ARaymond Network is reflected in its philosophy and its organisation. The Network has developed a cooperative structure.
The goal is to enable the skills, ideas and expertise to be shared, through a flexible, cross-functional and adaptable structure according to needs. By encouraging initiative the ARaymond Network allows everyone to have the role of "cooperative entrepreneur".
These exchanges, between countries or from one activity to another, are creators of wealth on a personal level, and value added to the Network customers.

« The Network mission is to create value that contributes to: cut customers' costs, improve quality, participate in efforts to preserve the environment, enable people to reach their potential within the Network, to develop a more 'human', freer way of working. Our mission really is to create value and meaning »

Antoine Raymond

- VIsion

Innovate to build the future

Expertise that can be transferred to different markets

« The ARaymond Network creates optimised products, using the specific advantages of metal, plastic and the combination of the two »

The Network* main expertise consists of proposing solutions for fastening and assembly, in order to improve performance and make savings.

This expertise, globally recognised by the automotive industry has been transferred in a strategic way to other markets and now covers:

High-growth markets represent new opportunities for the ARaymond Network. The long-term objective is to achieve the same position and good reputation as in the automotive sector.

Research, an engine for the future

To ensure expertise and optimal performance over the years the Research and Development poles have tended to evolve towards increased specialisation, either by market or by technology.
To counter-balance this growing specialisation and to prevent any partitioning of innovations, strong connections and exchange tools have been developed. Their main objectives are the sharing of ideas and transferring skills between the different poles.

A quality approach is the main concern

Besides mandatory certifications and technical or environmental labels, the ARaymond Network focuses on an essential goal: recognition and satisfaction of its customers.
In this regard, prestigious awards regularly praise the high level demanded which guides the Network quality and service approach: PSA Awards, QSB Fiat Award, Delphi Award 2010, Paccar Award 2010...

NICE 평가정보 출처 : 설립일, 기업형태, 업종, 대표자명, 사업내용, 주소
기업 직접입력 : 홈페이지, 브랜드명, SNS, 기업비전

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