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기업 키워드 검색 횟수
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- 업종
- 호텔·여행·항공
- 대표자명
- 사업내용
- 주소
싱가포르 568 GANGES AVENUE #01-108 SINGAPORE(160568)싱가포르
Recruitment Services
Throughout the past 16 years, we at Paramount Resources are well-equipped to understand, anticipate and respond to your ever changing your staffing needs. We constantly have staffing solutions for our clients to ride out the ups and downs of the economy as well as improve productivity. Our range of services can meet all your staffing needs in all departments. Contact us today for more enquiries!
Foreign Placement – We provide placement for foreign employees from countries like Bangladesh, China, Myanmar(Burma) and Taiwan.. Our candidates range from Blue Collar General Workers to Mid-High Level Executives. Below are more information about the passes available when hiring a foreign employee.
Work Permit – A Work Permit (WP) is generally issued to foreign unskilled workers.The duration of a Work Permit is generally two years, subject to the validity of the worker’s passport, the Banker’s/Insurance Guarantee, and the worker’s employment period, whichever is shorter.
S Pass – S Pass allows mid-level skilled foreigners who earn a fixed monthly salary of at least $2,200 to work in Singapore. Employers must make S Pass applications on behalf of a job candidate. S Pass applications are assessed on multiple criteria including salary, education qualification, skills, job type and work experience.
Employment Pass – The Employment Pass (EP) allows foreign professionals to work in Singapore. It applies to foreigners who earn a fixed monthly salary of at least $3,300, and have acceptable qualifications.
기업 직접입력 : 업종, 대표자명, 사업내용, 주소, 기업비전