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기업 키워드 검색 횟수
한눈에 보는 우리 회사, 미리 확인해 보세요!
업력 33년차
1993년 설립
2조 5,000억원
- 업종
- 하드웨어·장비
- 사업내용
Server Computer 개발, 제조 및 판매
- 주소
미국 980 Rock Avenue, San Jose, CA95131
우리회사 CEO 어록 : Keep It Green!
주 수익 모델은? 슈퍼마이크로 서버
대표 브렌드는? 슈퍼마이크로 서버
고성능, 고효율 서버 기술 분야 글로벌 선두 혁신 기업인 슈퍼마이크로(Supermicro(R), NASDAQ: SMCI)는 전 세계 데이터 센터, 클라우드 컴퓨팅, 엔터프라이즈 IT, 하둡/빅 데이터, HPC, 임베디드 시스템들을 위한 최첨단 서버 Building Block Solutions(R)(빌딩 블록 솔루션)의 제1공급업체입니다. 슈퍼마이크로는 "We Keep IT Green(R) (우리는 친환경 IT를 지향한다)"는 강령을 기반으로 환경을 보호하고 고객들에게 가장 에너지 효율적이고 친환경적인 솔루션들을 제공하고자 진력하고 있습니다.
기업 직접입력 : 설립일, 매출액, 업종, 홈페이지, 사업내용, 주소, 기업소개, 기업비전
우리는 단단하게 성장하고 있어요
Q4, 2013
Launches new TwinPro™ and TwinPro²™ SuperServer® product lines
Debuts new 4U 8x GPU/Phi SuperServer and 2-Node 12x GPU/Phi FatTwin™
Debuts new X9 Generation 4-Way SuperServer®
Receives #1 ranking on Green500 for Tokyo Institute of Technology (TITECH) TUBAME-KFC
Receives #13 ranking on Top500 for DoE PNNL EMSL HPCS-4 (FatTwin),
#311 for TSUBAME-KFC (1U 4x GPU) and #400 for Intel Cherry Creek (FatTwin) Supercomputers
Q3, 2013
Debuts new Server Management Software Suite, Onsite Service and Support and Rack
Integration Programs
Introduces 3x GPU SuperBlade offering highest compute density 180x GPUs/120x CPUs
(256 TFLOPS theoretical) per 42U
Debuts 24-Node MicroCloud
Debuts new low-power, high-density MicroBlade MicroServer
Launches new Ivy Bridge and Atom based server/storage solutions
Celebrates 20th Anniversary and debuts new Corporate Logo
Expands Silicon Valley Headquarters with purchase of 36-acre property to support Operations,
R&D and Worldwide growth
Q2, 2013
Moves up to 51st on Silicon Valley 150 List
Introduces Industry’s First SAS3 12Gb/s Server and Storage Solutions
Launches 4U 72x 3.5" External Hot-swap HDD Storage Solution
Launches 3U 12-node MicroCloud featuring 12 independent hot-swappable nodes
Announces X10 UP solutions supporting Intel Haswell Processors
Q1, 2013
Launches Global SKU Program to accelerate deployment, support and service worldwide
Announces Big Data server/storage solutions with Intel® Distribution for Apache Hadoop
Launches NVIDIA GRID™ based platforms delivering graphics-accelerated performance for
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
Q4, 2012
Debuts new High Frequency Trading (HFT) server solutions at HFT World, New York
Announces new SuperServer® and SuperBlade® solutions supporting 16 core AMD Opteron™ processors
Launches turnkey server/storage solutions for Hadoop/Big Data applications at Strata Conference + Hadoop World, NYC
Q3, 2012 FatTwin Best of the Bay
Launched FatTwin™ Architecture
2nd Year Featured on Best of the Bay TV (watch)
Charles Liang & FatTwin Featured on cover of Processor Magazine
Supermicro® SuperServer®, SuperStorage Platforms: Windows Server 2012 Certified
Q2, 2012
Launched PUE optimized Server Solutions that supports server operating temperatures of 0°C to 47°C.
Debuts X9 DP Intel® Xeon® E5-2400 and MP 4-Way E5-4600 Processor-based Platforms and UP
Server Platforms Supporting Intel® Xeon® E3-1200 v2 (Ivy Bridge) Processors
4+1 GPU SuperWorkstation Receives NVIDIA(R) Maximus(tm) Certification
Expands Networking Product Line with 52 Port, 1GbE Top-of-Rack Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE)
and Power over Ethernet (PoE) Layer 2 Switches
Q1, 2012
Launched 100+ new generation X9 Server Solutions supporting Intel® Xeon® processor E5-2600/1600 Science and Technology Park
Debuts New Platinum Level, High Efficiency (95%+) Digital Switching Power Supplies
Debuts Industry First N+N+N Redundant Battery Backup Power (BBP®) Modules
Grand Opening of Supermicro® Taiwan Science and Technology Park
2011 - Best of the Bay
Launched new cluster solutions for Big Data (Apache Hadoop) and HPC (GPU) applications
Launched TwinBlade® and GPU SuperBlade® products
System Management and Power Management SSM/NMView Solutions introduced
Introduced New MicroCloud Platform with 8/16 Hot-Pluggable Nodes in 3U
Launched 5U 8-Way System with 80 CPU cores
Significantly expanded UP product line with next gen. systems, chassis & serverboards
2010 - BladeSystems Insight Award
Expanded 2U Twin product line with 12 HDDs per node model
Received patent for Twin architecture
World's first line of Double-Sided Storage® products unveiled
Empowered End-to-End IT Solutions with SuperRack® and 10GE switch
Won Blade Systems Insight 2010 Award for Best Blade-Based Solution
Embedded/IPC system selected as "Best Server of 2010" by Electronic Design Magazine
First to introduce Platinum Level (94%+ efficiency) Server Building Block Solutions®
2009 - Created the world's first 1U dual GPU server architecture with non-blocking CPU-GPU connectivity
Launched 2U Twin servers with six 3.5" hot-plug HDDs per DP node & per 1U with redundant power supplies
Achieved record x86 server performance-per-watt (375 GFLOPS/kW)
Announced innovative 2U Twin2™ server architecture with 4 hot-plug DP nodes
Industry's most complete and optimized line of Nehalem solutions with over 80 motherboard, server and system SKUs
2008 - BladeSystems Insight Award 2008
2007 - Supermicro President and CEO is featured in American Executive Magazine cover page, "Keeping IT Green"
Highest performance-per-watt achieved by 93% efficiency power supplies
Launched SuperBlade® product line
Announced IPO and traded on NASDAQ under the symbol SMCI
Introduced innovative Universal I/O (UIO) architecture
Launched industry's first Double-Density 1U Twin™ servers with two DP nodes in 1U
American Executive Magazine Sept 2007 NASDAQ
1994 - 30% of the systems companies in North America selected Supermicro's Intel® Pentium® Pro based products
1993 - Company founded in San Jose, USA, with mission to design and manufacture high-performance, high-quality servers