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한눈에 보는 우리 회사, 미리 확인해 보세요!
업력 8년차
2018년 3월 5일 설립
기업형태: 중소기업, 외국 법인기업, 유한회사
- 업종
- 1차 금속제품 도매업
- 대표자명
- 요한시렌
- 사업내용
온도제어특수컨테이너의 생산,개발,임대,수출입,전자상거래/실험실테스트,데이터수집,보고
- 주소
인천 중구 자유무역로107번길 20, 가동 301호
지도보기 - SNS
Our combined experience and more than 35 years of industry expertise allow us to provide advice and help pharmaceutical companies, and their logistics partners, to deliver pharmaceuticals in need of temperature-control all over the world. The main objective is the safe delivery of pharmaceuticals by maintaining the integrity and quality of their products throughout the cold chain.
Currently, we are more than 320 employees in 3 regional operations centers, 50+ service stations, central operations as well as sales management teams, our in-house production facility, and our own R&D department. We develop, manufacture and offer leasing of FAA/EASA certified, clean and functional containers as well as innovative tools and services for validation, planning, shipping, and follow-up of temperature-controlled air transport.
Together we work to meet our customers’ need for innovative and reliable solutions – available from any location to any destination. We are supported by a partner service network that includes an additional 300 people who work with our solutions every day.
There are pharmaceuticals that have greater value than any price that can be put on them. Products that change lives. We believe the best way to protect pharma is with our eco-system of people, solutions, and partners across the world.
It starts with solutions to prevent pharmaceutical products from being compromised during air transport. It also extends beyond the packaging solution. It entails people who are passionate about securing the safe delivery of pharmaceuticals to the people that depend upon them and that understands and can act based on the local market conditions.
This is why we share our real-life experiences of shipping more than 2,000,000 doses of pharmaceuticals every day with our cold chain partners, covering more than 2,000 pharma trade-lanes across the world. It is also why we have trained more than 16,000 cold chain stakeholders over the past 4 years.
At Envirotainer, our eco-system gives pharmaceutical companies the ability to match their need for risk mitigation and cost, depending on where they are in their product's life-cycle.
NICE 평가정보 출처 : 설립일, 기업형태, 업종, 대표자명, 사업내용, 주소
기업 직접입력 : 홈페이지, SNS, 기업 한줄소개, 기업소개, 기업비전
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