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[WWF-Korea] F2F In-House Officer 채용

핵심 정보

경력 5년 ↑
계약직 정규직 전환 가능
회사내규에 따름
주 5일(월~금)
서울 종로구
최저임금계산에 대한 알림 하단에 명시된 급여, 근무 내용 등이 최저임금에 미달하는 경우 위 내용이 우선합니다. 본 채용정보는 2024년 1월 1일 부터는  2024년 최저임금을 준수 합니다.

본 채용정보는 마감되었습니다.

(재)한국세계자연기금에서 채용공고가 시작되면 이메일로 알려드립니다.


F2F In-House Officer

WWF is one of the world’s largest and most experienced independent conservation organisations, with over 5 million supporters and a global network active in more than 100 countries. Our mission is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. WWF-Korea was opened in 2014 and now is looking for passionate people who have the drive to conserve the nature and solve the environmental problems.

Main purpose:

The In-House F2F Officer, who reports to Fundraising Director(or delegation),  has specific responsibility for the successful implementation of street fundraising Acquisition fundraising project, to which WWF Korea commits a substantial investment. This position watches over the most effective of all fundraising activities while ensuring a timely and high quality execution. This position will mainly focus on in-house development, management and implementation.

Main Responsibilities:

● Implementation and management of in house Face to Face acquisition channel

 Professional management of in-house face to face street fundraising team that will be comprised of teams of fundraisers and future supporting officers in HR, venue strategy and training.

 Leads day to day operation including analysis, strategy development and sign-up donor management. The position will also be temporarily in charge of training and fundraiser recruitment until positions become necessary for those disciplines to be hired.

 Develop income and expenditure planning and targets as delegated by Fundraising Director(or delegation)

 Produces end of campaign reports for all projects undertaken and provided recommendation/proposal to Fundraising Director. (or delegation).

 Manages production time schedules for all fundraising campaigns according to the strategic plan and ensures that all deliverables meet program timelines. Researches, selects and recommends the required suppliers to Fundraising Director. (or delegation).

 Regularly collaborates with Fundraising team and other departments cross checking and validation of preferred use of content for Fundraising purpose.

 Manages acquisition sign-ups by coordinating and tracking results thru software and Donors’ Care Service team.

 General Tasks:

  • • Implements effective cost control measures
    • Ensures that all work undertaken meets legislative and regulatory compliance
    • Ensures all work produced is in accordance with Code of Conduct
    • Feeds network with the material produced in campaigns
    • Contributes positively to team cohesion

Required Skills and Competencies:

 Bachelor’s degree in business, marketing and or related field 

 Minimum +5 years of relevant work experience in face to face for NGOs and or business management

 Experience in managing and leading a team

 Highly creative with experience in identifying target audiences

 In-depth knowledge and understanding of fundraising

 Strong interpersonal, communication, negotiation and presentation skills.

 Strong analytical, problem solving and creative thinking skills, attention to detail and accuracy.

 Superior time management skills and ability to deliver to deadlines.

 Excellent MS office processing skills.

 Ability to work in a team and foster team spirit.

 Self-starter. Ability to work independently.

 Fluent in written and spoken Korean and English is preferred.

How to Apply?

1. 사람인 온라인 이력서로 지원
2. WWF-Korea email로 직접 지원 (자유양식) info@wwfkorea.or.kr
   ※ 직접 지원하실 경우, 이메일 제목에 꼭 지원하시는 포지션명을 표기해 주세요.
Deadline for applications:  June 4th, 2017

Further Info

Schedule: full-time
This job ad covers the main tasks and conveys the spirit of the sort of tasks that are anticipated proactively from the incumbent. Other tasks may be assigned as necessary according to organizational needs.  

WWF-Korea's Mission and Values:

  1. It is part of every staff member's terms of reference to contribute to WWF's mission. WWF's mission is to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by:
  • conserving the world's biological diversity
  • ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable
  • reducing pollution and wasteful consumption.
  1. It is also part of every staff member's terms of reference to embody WWF's values, which are: Passionate & Optimistic, Challenging & Inspiring, Credible & Accountable, Persevering & Delivering Results.


4대 보험


(110-792) 서울 종로구 서린동 서울글로벌센터 702호 서울 1호선 종각역 6번 출구

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접수기간 및 방법


2017.05.25 11:00
2017.06.04 23:59

관심기업 설정 후 다음 채용시 지원해 보세요.

기타, 재단법인, 비영리단체/협회
그 외 기타 협회 및 단체
2014년 3월 25일 (업력 11년차)
서울 종로구 종로 47, 15층
기업정보 전체보기

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