본문 바로가기

(주)아케마, Accountant

핵심 정보

경력 7~20년
대졸(4년제) 이상
회사내규에 따름
주 5일(월~금)
서울 영등포구
최저임금계산에 대한 알림 하단에 명시된 급여, 근무 내용 등이 최저임금에 미달하는 경우 위 내용이 우선합니다. 본 채용정보는 2024년 1월 1일 부터는  2024년 최저임금을 준수 합니다.

본 채용정보는 마감되었습니다.

(주)아케마에서 채용공고가 시작되면 이메일로 알려드립니다.



(주)아케마, Accountant



모집부문 및 자격요건

모집분야 담당업무 자격요건 및 우대사항




- 학력 : 대졸 이상 (4년)

- 경력 : 7년 - 20년

- 성별 : 무관

- 모집인원 : 1명


- 해당직무 근무경험

근무조건 및 환경



근무요일/시간 주 5일(월~금)

서울 - 영등포구

급여 회사내규에 따름
회사주소 (150-874) 서울 영등포구 여의도동 17-8
인근전철 서울 9호선 국회의사당4번 출구 에서300m 이내

전형절차 및 제출서류

제출서류 Resume & Cover letter(Korean, English)

접수기간 및 방법

접수기간 2017년 5월 18일 (목) 16시 ~ 채용시
이력서양식 사람인 온라인 이력서
접수방법 사람인 입사지원

기타 유의사항

입사지원 서류에 허위사실이 발견될 경우, 채용확정 이후라도 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.

Job Description

* Brief Job Description

1. BOA ROLE (Business Operation Accountant)
- All accounting activities related to Business & site operations : Supply Chain + Fixed Costs + Industrial operations+ Inventory valuation + Miscellaneous Sales.
- Check accounting flows consistency & identify any error or mistake at macro level. Responsible for group management rules application: stock valuation, accruals follow up and AIS consistency. Post any adjustments or manual posting for legal or analytical requirements.

2. CTA ROLE (Company and Tax Accountant)
- Preparation and publication of Company financial statement within group consolidation systems.
- Produce IFRS and statutory reports. Provide any information or analysis on request from WW Consolidation team or auditors.
- Responsible in coordination with Tax Department for Tax calculation and declaration at Company level.
- Responsible for IFRS/Statutory statements and justification (net equities).
- Responsible for Corporate Financial operation booking, including treasury transactions.

* Roles / Responsibilities

1. Fixed costs / CAPEX / Industrial expenses (spare parts inventory…):
- Book and/or check the booking all the operations related to the fixed costs expenses of the plant and headquarter : personal costs, maintenance costs, travel & entertainment, insurance, rental, administrative and office supplies, industrial services…
- Payroll and Fixed costs accrual booking.
- Help and advice on CAPEX expenses, on purchase orders, on invoice accounting.
- Booking and validation of the miscellaneous sales.

2. Variables costs 
- Check all the postings related to the cost of productions : raw material, utilities purchase, finished goods production.
- Check all the revenue accounts and cost of good sold and check the accuracy of the margin.
- Analyze and check the inventory valuation and ensure that stock value is accurate.
- Run the inventory depreciation program every month.
- Validate the standard and the weighted average costs  are correct each month.
- Participate to and validate the inventory counts at least once a year for each workshop and material type.

3. Closing operations
- Check in detail accounting flows consistency & identify any error or provide reports and analysis to CFO and Finance Share service manager regarding site(s) activities.
- Active involvement in the monthly closing operations (Sales, Margin, fixed and variable costs, stock valuation…) in order to complete all the reporting in the deadline with the accuracy required and the respect of the local and group accounting rules.
- Follow up and ensure the consistency of P&L, margin, fixed costs, Inventory valuation , Working capital, CAPEX.

4. Corporate and Tax accounting
- Calculate and book all tax items (VAT, income tax, deferred tax) required for the statutory and consolidated accounts.
- Prepare all documentation required for yearly and quarterly tax declarations.

5. Accounts and reports publishing
- Prepare all the statutory accounts in accordance with KGAAP rules.
- Prepare and publish group reporting and consolidated accounts.

Job Requirement

- Good Finance and Accounting Background : General ledger, Tax, etc.
- Analytical knowledge and skills.
- Good communication and collaboration skills.
- Fluent written and oral english skills.
- Solidarity, team spirit.
- Autonom, detail-oriented, proactive and easy adaptation to change.
- Able to work under stress to meet tight deadlines and handling multiple tasks.
- 10 years experience in accounting and finance activities ; Experience in an industrial company and in product valuation would be appreciated.
- SAP knowledge and experience required.


퇴직금, 연차수당, 4대 보험
연차, 육아휴직


(150-874) 서울 영등포구 여의도동 17-8 서울 9호선 국회의사당역 4번 출구에서 300m 이내

지도 보기

접수기간 및 방법


2017.05.24 10:00
2017.06.05 09:29

관심기업 설정 후 다음 채용시 지원해 보세요.


외국인 투자기업, 외부감사법인, 주식회..
기타 화학물질 및 화학제품 도매업
1993년 2월 16일 (업력 32년차)
944억 4,999만원 (2017년 기준)
서울 영등포구 국회대로62길 21, 7층 (여의도동,동성빌딩)
* 항목은 기업이 직접 기재하였으며, 본사/지점 등의 정보는 다르게 관리될 수 있습니다.
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