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인턴 모집

핵심 정보

회사내규에 따름
주 5일(월~금)
서울 마포구
최저임금계산에 대한 알림 하단에 명시된 급여, 근무 내용 등이 최저임금에 미달하는 경우 위 내용이 우선합니다. 본 채용정보는 2024년 1월 1일 부터는  2024년 최저임금을 준수 합니다.

본 채용정보는 마감되었습니다.

링크(LiNK) 한국지부에서 채용공고가 시작되면 이메일로 알려드립니다.


인턴 모집



모집부문 및 자격요건

모집분야 담당업무 자격요건 및 우대사항


-Program Development

-Operation and Communication

(please refer to http://www.libertyinnorthkorea.org/south-korea-internships/ for further information)


- 학력 : 무관

- 경력 : 무관

- 성별 : 무관

- 모집인원 : 00명

Program Development

Resettled North Koreans have emerged as some of the most powerful catalysts in bringing change to North Korea. Our programs are designed to provide supplementary assistance to North Korean refugees who face a range of challenges as they resettle in unfamiliar and complex surroundings and invest in the long-term ambitions, potential, and strength to the North Korean people through education. This is your opportunity to be part of the journey of resettled North Koreans in overcoming resettlement challenges and fulfilling their potential.

*Note: May involve some domestic travel. 


    Communication and community engagement

    • Contribute to content creation for social media
    • Translate and interpret for interviews with North Koreans
    • Assist in community outreach, Rescue Teams visits, etc.


    Program support

    • Contribute to developing post-resettlement programs
    • Assist in organizing and coordinating LiNK events and activities
    • Engage with LiNK program participants, volunteers, and potential supporters
    • Assist in development and execution of monitoring and evaluation system


    • Demonstrable interest in North Korean issues
    • Passion for the mission, vision, and values of LiNK
    • Proficiency in both Korean and English (Fluency in Korean is a must!)
    • Ability to work well independently and also within a team
    • Ability to work on a collaborative, multi-cultural team
    • Strong interpersonal skills
    • Ability to handle multiple tasks
    • Organizational skills and attention to detail
    • Proficiency in Microsoft suite and Google apps  

    Preferred Qualifications

    • Experience in videography, photography, social media management, and/or public relations
    • Experience in areas that may include, but are not limited to, North Korean issues, refugees, or social justice
    • Strong written communication skills

Operation and Communication

LiNK’s mission requires that we have strong communication and operation strategies and practices. To achieve this, we must empower our employees, garner information about and conduct analysis on North Korea, and develop effective communication methods. The Operation and Communication Intern will help LiNK Seoul office kickstart its efforts to expand its operations in South Korea as well as ways to efficiently relay LiNK’s mission to the public. In addition, the Intern will assist in performing administrative tasks and developing systems to empower our interns and employees.


    Administrative support

    • Manage LiNK ROK’s general inquiry account
    • Provide logistical support for LiNK events and programs
    • Support the office operations and staff by assisting in coordinating, researching, and managing administrative work


    Research and Strategy

    • Participate in relevant conferences and meetings
    • Conduct news and media monitoring
    • Develop Korean language messaging/communication strategies


    Internship Program

    • Contribute to the intern recruitment process


    Translate documents (Korean and English)


      • Demonstrable interest in North Korean issues
      • Passion for the mission, vision, and values of LiNK
      • Proficiency in both Korean and English (Fluency in Korean is a must!)
      • Organizational skills and attention to detail
      • Ability to work well independently and also within a team
      • Strong interpersonal skills
      • Ability to handle multiple tasks
      • Basic analytical and research skills
      • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
      • Proficiency in Microsoft suite and Google apps  

      Preferred Qualifications

      • Professional research experience
      • Proficiency in strategic communications / marketing
      • Network of relevant contacts   

근무조건 및 환경



근무요일/시간 주 5일(월~금) 오전 9시~오후 5시

서울 - 마포구

급여 회사내규에 따름
회사주소 서울 마포구

전형절차 및 제출서류

전형절차 1차: 서류전형
2차: 면접
3차: 최종면접
제출서류 Resume, Cover Letter (both in English and Korean), Application Form

접수기간 및 방법

접수기간 2016년 12월 19일 (월) 03시 ~ 2017년 3월 19일 (일) 24시
이력서양식 자유양식
접수방법 홈페이지 지원 (http://www.libertyinnorthkorea.org/south-korea-internships/)

기타 유의사항

입사지원 서류에 허위사실이 발견될 경우, 채용확정 이후라도 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.


경조휴가제, 반차, Refresh휴가, 근로자의 날 휴무


(121-883) 서울 마포구 합정동 독막로 5길 5

지도 보기

접수기간 및 방법


2016.12.19 03:00
2017.03.19 00:40

관심기업 설정 후 다음 채용시 지원해 보세요.


서울 성동구 왕십리로 115(성수동1가)
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