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대졸(4년제) 이상
면접 후 결정
주 5일(월~금)
서울 강남구
최저임금계산에 대한 알림 하단에 명시된 급여, 근무 내용 등이 최저임금에 미달하는 경우 위 내용이 우선합니다. 본 채용정보는 2024년 1월 1일 부터는  2024년 최저임금을 준수 합니다.

본 채용정보는 마감되었습니다.

클리니페이스 주식회사에서 채용공고가 시작되면 이메일로 알려드립니다.




Clinipace Worldwide is a different kind of CRO, where people are the backbone of our technology-amplified processes.  We are a global full-service digital Clinical Research Organization (dCRO) and one of the fastest growing companies in America.  Clinipace currently has a global footprint of 31 offices in 25 countries.  Our proprietary technology (TEMPO™ eClinical platform) combined with an innovative service model transforms drug and medical device development.  We are proud to have a culture that is vibrant, supportive, performance-driven, and passionate while focusing on continual learning and development.  Our associates are passionate about their lives and bring that same passion to their work at Clinipace Worldwide.


Clinipace Worldwide

               Job Title:      Accountant- Korea

                     Job Location- Korea

Job Overview:        

The primary objective of Accountant – Korea is to take the responsibility of accounting job, tax audit and monitoring of the financial figure to meet the business plan and effectively manage the plan figure within the organization, ensure all business units are adequately supported and high quality service is provided to customers.

Job Duties and Responsibilities:

Includes all duties of an Accountant:

  • Maintain General Ledger system, preparation and input of general ledger entries for Korea and offshore entities. Perform account analysis and reconciliation. Supervise local and offshore accounts payable function, account receivable function, ensuring proper coding and timely payment of vendor invoices. Prepare monthly financial reports for Korea.  
  • Assistance to maintain complete and accurate project financial records
  • Oversee transaction processing for Clinipace’s affiliated companies and Clinicpace Korea.
  • Input and maintain company budgets. Work with budget owners on proper classification of expenditures.
  • Ensure the accounting system incorporate proper accounting principles, standards and classifications for prompt, accurate, complete and consistent recording and reporting of data as required for information, control and decision-making.
  • Prepare reports and ensure compliance with local statutory requirements and completing External Audit adhered to time lines.
  • Work with the consulting firms/CPA firms to meet tax authority requirement and government regulatory.
  • Support monthly and yearly closing, tax and legal related issues...

Supervisory Responsibilities:Be responsible for constantly process improvement and simplification.

  • Strengthen internal control and minimize risk taking.
  • Follow consistent accounting principles, coding to apply Korea.
  • Establish and maintain effective work and working relationships.  
  • Support accounting job, tax audit and project analysis for Korea.

Job Requirements:

  • Education
    • BS in Accounting degree or above in finance/accounting area.
  • Experience
    • Abundant accounting related work experience.
    • Minimum 3 years of relevant professional experience is required, 5 years working experience is desired.
    • Industry experience preferred
    • Prior project accounting analysis preferred
  • Skills/Competencies
    • Above average ability to understand the English language in both written and verbal communication skills.
    • Establish and maintain effective relationships through consistent behaviors that demonstrate open communication, principles of fairness, integrity and trust, and that support the company’s vision, mission and values. Prepares, conducts and actively participates on team and other meetings. Determines most effective method of communication; effectively communicates through phone calls, voicemail, e-mail, and fact-to-face.
    • good organizational skills: Keeps commitments, keeps others informed of work progress, timetables and issues.
    • good leadership skills: Represents Clinipace with professionalism, promotes company culture and strategic objectives.  Addresses problems and issues constructively to find mutually acceptable and practical business solutions; addressing others by name, title, or other respectful identifier, and respecting the diversity of our workplace in actions, words, and deeds.
    • Self-starter with the ability to work independently: Works independently to determine action plans appropriate to given situations, and executes according to company policies, processes and SOPs.
    • Integrity: Demonstrates highest integrity by maintaining the utmost confidentiality in all financial and company confidential matters as they relate to job.
    • Strong computer skills, including Microsoft Office
  • Capabilities
    • Knowledge of GAAP: Ability to determine proper treatment of financial transactions based on GAAP
    • Proficiency with G/L systems and EXCEL, Microsoft Office programs, Maconomy,  ADP and BNA: Must have utilized a general ledger package and have the ability to create professional reports utilizing some of the advanced functions of EXCEL
    • Analytical skills: Provide insightful analysis of data and proactively identify and resolve issues.
    • Good research abilities and ability to come up with solutions: Must be able to research solutions to problems and present these solutions to supervisor

모집부문 및 자격요건

모집분야 담당업무 자격요건 및 우대사항


Accountant 모집


- 학력 : 대졸 이상 (4년)

- 경력 : 경력 3년 이상

- 성별 : 무관

- 모집인원 : 1명


- 영어가능자

근무조건 및 환경



근무요일/시간 주 5일(월~금)

서울 - 강남구

급여 면접후 결정(탄력근무시간제도, 자기개발비 및 통신비지원, 연차 휴가, 퇴직금, 4대 보험,)
회사주소 (135-080) 서울 강남구 역삼동 707-34 한신인터밸리 서관 1304호
인근전철 서울 2호선 선릉4번 출구 에서800m 이내

전형절차 및 제출서류

전형절차 서류전형 - 면접전형 - 최종합격
제출서류 영문 이력서(사진첨부), 자기소개서(경력자는 경력 기술서 포함)

접수기간 및 방법

접수기간 2017년 6월 23일 (금) 09시 ~ 2017년 8월 22일 (화) 24시
이력서양식 자유양식
접수방법 사람인 입사지원

기타 유의사항

입사지원 서류에 허위사실이 발견될 경우, 채용확정 이후라도 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.


퇴직금, 4대 보험
워크샵, 음료제공(차, 커피)
근무 환경
연차, 창립일휴무, 산전 후 휴가, 육아휴직


(135-080) 서울 강남구 역삼동 707-34 한신인터밸리 서관 1304호 서울 2호선 선릉역 4번 출구에서 800m 이내

지도 보기

접수기간 및 방법


2017.06.23 09:00
2017.07.21 16:31

관심기업 설정 후 다음 채용시 지원해 보세요.


제이슨 앤서니 몬테레온
경영 컨설팅업
2008년 9월 18일 (업력 17년차)
서울 강남구 테헤란로 322, 서관 1304호
* 항목은 기업이 직접 기재하였으며, 본사/지점 등의 정보는 다르게 관리될 수 있습니다.
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