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Service Administrator

핵심 정보

회사내규에 따름
면접 후 결정
주 5일(월~금) 08:30 ~ 17:30
충남 천안시
최저임금계산에 대한 알림 하단에 명시된 급여, 근무 내용 등이 최저임금에 미달하는 경우 위 내용이 우선합니다. 본 채용정보는 2024년 1월 1일 부터는  2024년 최저임금을 준수 합니다.

본 채용정보는 마감되었습니다.

커민스판매써비스코리아(주)에서 채용공고가 시작되면 이메일로 알려드립니다.


1. 채용부문: Service Administrator- 정규직

2. 근무회사 : 커민스 판매 써비스 코리아(주) / 충남 천안시 / 미국계 회사
3. 업무내용: Administration 및 Coordination (Warranty/6Sigma/COS/CSE/Quickserve)

4.근무시간: 08:30 ~ 17:30 / 주5일 근무

5.급여조건: 면접후 협의

6. 지원자격:
- 영어 및 MS 오피스 사용 가능자 우대

Primary Function:

- To manage the warranty claim process from create SO and claim submit to credit

- To support service team by managing Movex and service data    

- To lead the External customer and internal customer support.

- To support overall service operation including monthly closing in an efficient and effective way as an admin

- To support Distributor Excel Audit as an admin

Key Responsibilities:

1. Accountable for communicating with the warranty customers from greeting to invoicing

2. Order input to Invoice on Movex ERP system

3. Open/close the service order in MOVEX system, request part order to logistics team and issue tax invoice to customers

4. Manage Warranty claim input to RapidServe web site, and rejected claim follow-ups.

5. Manage the CPGs PowerGen warranty product registration and Oracle claim input.

6. Follow ups for rejected claims

7. Movex Query managing and Card manage for download data from Movex

8. ELF, Policy and Sales Support SO : Order input to invoice

9. Engine Master ESN Input and Engine file Management(Service Report file scan)

10. Update team AOP & forecast

11. Weekly Sales & Backlog reporting

12. Financial Report (AOP & Fcst)

13. Participate in Distributor Excel Audit and ISO 9001 Audit

14. 6 Sigma coordinator

      - Create annual plan of project launch through holding 6s hopper meeting / Annually

      - Track the 6 sigma project status and maintain hopper list to meet the 6S target / Frequently

      - Make an announcement of project closure / When project closed

      - Prepare 6s recognition / Annually

      - Submit the project charter/contract/final closure in the DB

   15. Coordinate with COS and CSE

      - Process assessment

      - COS introduction to new comer

      - Regular update COS activities to leadership

      - Leading hopper session

   16.. QuickServe Champion and NPS coordinator
  - Participate in the planning of QS initiative following the Corporate strategy / Annually
- Plan and conduct QuickServe Self Audit and submit audit report audit result  / Bi-annually
- Calculate QS KPIs which are Labor Utilization, Billing Efficiency, T/B ratio, WIP and NPS and submit KPI report to Corporate / Monthly
- Monitor QuickServe Customer Meter / Monthly
- Involve in identifying & executing KPI improvement 6s project / Annually
- Hold an internal meeting for QuickServe issue and improvement / Monthly
- Participate in the Service review with Regional FE leader / Quarterly
- Update NPS score & customer feedback and customer contact list to be surveyed / Weekly
- Hold an NPS workshop to analyze the customer feedback and develop the improvements

    16. Safety

       - Take reasonable care to protect health, safety and wellbeing of self and others.

      - Timely reporting of incidents and injuries to immediate manager.

      - Maintain the orderliness of the workplace to remove hazards.

      - Report all hazards identified and apply immediate controls as necessary.

      - Comply with the requirements of Cummins Sales and Service Korea OHS Policies, Procedures and SWP’s.

      - Use personal protective equipment as prescribed by Cummins Sales and Service Korea.

      - Participate in communication and consultation processes, training and instruction, and the development and maintenance of

          a safe working environment.





건강검진, 각종 경조사 지원, 자녀학자금
인센티브제, 장기근속자 포상, 퇴직금, 연차수당, 4대 보험
외국어 교육 지원, 구내식당(사원식당), 점심식사 제공, 사내동호회 운영
근무 환경
통근버스 운행, 주차장제공, 주차비지원
연차, 경조휴가제


(331-836) 충남 천안시 서북구 성거읍 354-4

지도 보기

접수기간 및 방법


2017.05.11 22:00
2017.06.21 19:00

관심기업 설정 후 다음 채용시 지원해 보세요.


Steve Yang
외국인 투자기업, 외부감사법인, 수출입 ..
전기용 기계ㆍ장비 및 관련 기자재 도매업
70 명 (2016년 기준)
1996년 12월 9일 (업력 29년차)
552억 7,594만원 (2016년 기준)
충남 천안시 서북구 성거읍 성거길 228-1
* 항목은 기업이 직접 기재하였으며, 본사/지점 등의 정보는 다르게 관리될 수 있습니다.
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