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파견 이케이맨파워(주)

- [외국계] 본사 HR / Admin 채용 -

핵심 정보

경력 2년 ↑
정규직, 계약직, 파견직
주 5일(월~금)
서울 마포구, 서대문구, 용산구, 종로구, 중구
최저임금계산에 대한 알림 하단에 명시된 급여, 근무 내용 등이 최저임금에 미달하는 경우 위 내용이 우선합니다. 본 채용정보는 2024년 1월 1일 부터는  2024년 최저임금을 준수 합니다.

본 채용정보는 마감되었습니다.

이케이맨파워(주)에서 채용공고가 시작되면 이메일로 알려드립니다.


★회사명은 지원자에 한해 공개합니다.★
독일에 본사를 두고, 소매조사, 소비자 조사 등 서비스 제공하는 80년 전통의 시장조사 마케팅서비스 회사입니다.

◆ Position Title : HR & Admin

# Payroll & Tax
- Provide pre‐payroll input including new hires, leavers, health/life insurance inputs, salary changes, etc.
- Prepare payroll calculations per the guidance from Employee and transfer salary
- Administer withholding tax calculation/payment/reporting of payroll-related various taxes of employees
- Prepare salary final version to Sr. HR Manager for review
- Calculate and prepare vouchers for interns and temp-employees’ salary
- Contact to tax office for tax issue if needed
- Provide tax office with related information as requested
- keep communication with Finance are kept up‐to‐date of changes
- Amend tax-reporting when needed

# Compensation & Benefits
- Support the implementation of different compensation projects by providing data and implementing adjustments
- Manage benefit programs including group term insurance, long-term service awards and etc.
- Register and issue Self-Development cards for employees and distribute
- Check details of usage of Self-Development cards on a timely manner
- Act as point of escalation for employee questions/issues on compensation & ben & payroll
- Administer all task on benefits programs
- Change to employee data, work schedules and leave balances that cannot be administered via self‐service (by Launchpad)
- Manage annual leave process, track annual leave pay and entitlements

# Recruiting
- Develop electronic/non- electronic documents of employment contract and document
- Declare of Social insurance reporting and administer SAP, OneCRM and C3PO authority handling for any changes
- Prepare severance calculations per the guidance from Employee
- Check contract and contact to related team before the termination of an agreement of interns & temp-employees
- Provide hire & termination announcement and related information to corporate function if needed

# Office Admin Job
- To Maintain good condition of office facilities such as the meeting room, pantry room (café), the storage room, FGD, Gang Survey Room and Sensory Lab Room and telephones etc.
- To Manage the office supplies purchasing
- To Arrange the corporate condominiums booking for the employees benefit
- To Manage the medical check-up for the employees benefit
- To Manage the employees seats for new comer
- To Arrange accommodation reservation for the visitors in KR
- To Manage Flight schedule check and booking for the business trip of the employees in GfK Korea or visitors
- To Manage and monitor the employees punctuality through the system
- To Manage the employees finger printings for office access and access cards for the visitors and employees
- To Manage Dairy and Calendar purchase and delivery for new-year
- To Manage the employees name card (Business card)
- To Communicate and co-work with the office building facilities management team
- To Manage the corporate car for the executive level employees
- To Manage and control the courier and postage service
- To Manage the expense of the parking tickets
- To Manage the purchase of the flowers for the employees and customers condolence
- To Manage the company event such as the workshop, sports day and year-end dinner etc.

◆ 근무조건
- 근무지 : 서울역 남산트윈시티
- 근무시간 : 09시 30분 ~ 18시 30분
- 급여 : 연 3000만원 이상 / 경력에 따른 협의 가능
- 복리후생 : 계약직(추후 전환가능), 주5일 근무, 4대보험, 경조사비 지급, 명절선물

◆ 전형절차
- 면접전형_서류전형 합격자에 한해 개별통보
- 최종합격_개별통보

◆ 제출서류
- 입사지원서 이메일 접수 (hrphm@naver.com)
- 이력서, 자기소개서 제출 必
- 메일제목 ` HR - 이름OOO` 으로 기재

◆ 문의처
- 담당자 정보 : 박혜미대리
- 전화 : 02-538-9769


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인센티브제, 상여금, 우수사원포상, 퇴직금, 휴일(특근)수당, 연차수당, 4대 보험
명절선물/귀향비, 생일선물/파티
창립일행사, 우수사원시상식, 음료제공(차, 커피)
근무 환경
수유실, 휴게실, 카페테리아, 사내 정원, 사원증, 자회사 제품할인, 콘도/리조트 이...
회식강요 안함, 자유복장
연차, 여름휴가, 경조휴가제, Refresh휴가, 창립일휴무, 포상휴가, 산전 후 휴가, 육아...


(140-170) 서울 용산구 동자동 56

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접수기간 및 방법


2017.04.27 15:00
2017.05.03 23:59

관심기업 설정 후 다음 채용시 지원해 보세요.


중견기업, 주식회사
임시 및 일용 인력 공급업
804 명 (2024년 기준)
1990년 10월 29일 (업력 35년차)
371억 3,364만원 (2023년 기준)
서울 강남구 영동대로86길 12, 6층 (대치동,동남유화빌딩)
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