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HP Korea R&D IT

핵심 정보

경력 10~20년
면접 후 결정
주 5일(월~금)
경기 수원시 영통구
최저임금계산에 대한 알림 하단에 명시된 급여, 근무 내용 등이 최저임금에 미달하는 경우 위 내용이 우선합니다. 본 채용정보는 2024년 1월 1일 부터는  2024년 최저임금을 준수 합니다.

본 채용정보는 마감되었습니다.

(주)맨파워그룹코리아에서 채용공고가 시작되면 이메일로 알려드립니다.


HP Korea R&D IT 경력 모집

1.근무지: 경기도 수원시 영통구 삼성로 129

*Roles and responsibilities
- Reports to Director R&D IT ? US based.
- Primary liaison to the R&D business community in Korea and Japan
- Interact with business community to understand short, medium and long term business and application requirements
- Develop technical roadmaps, integration and implementation strategies to meet those requirements.
- Perform similar activities with R&D communities elsewhere in the world to facilitate roadmap and strategy alignment
- Work closely with R&D IT colleagues in the rest of the world (US, China, India, Mexico and Israel) to coordinate activities and develop solutions.
- As it is critical for Architects to remain technically current, Participate in solutions crafting ? including some development (design, code, test) ? particularly involving new technologies.
- Facilitate (through documentation, training, facilitation etc.) R&D transition to future state. This would could include and of the following:
1)Creation of process or system flow diagrams
2)Story boarding of use cases;
3)Wireframe mock ups;
4)Development of presentations (both executive and technical);
5)Stress testing to ensure availability and performance goals are met;
6)Implementing, tuning and configuring software development tools.
- Liaise with other IT functions (such as Cyber Security, Infrastructure, Network and Supply Chain) to develop joint strategies, solutions and roadmaps.
- While it is anticipated that the majority of the work would be performed during normal business hours, these jobs also require that the candidates work with teams in America, Asia and Europe collaboratively. Due to the engagement with these teams, the job requires a person who is able to work as needed using flexible working hours.
- Some travel will be required, both domestically and internationally
- Strong written and verbal communication skills ? both Korean and English

*Other requirement
- We are looking for 10 years or so in the field of information technology, with at least 4-5 years as a developer of some kind (preferably Java ? because a person with Java expertise is likely to have worked on larger enterprise systems).

- Strong written and verbal communication skills ? both Korean and English
- Experience with several of the following Hardware Engineering concepts  and systems including:
1)Mechanical Engineering CAD
2)Electrical Engineering CAD
3)Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) development and Simulation.
4)Bill-of-Material creation and management
5)Product Information Management
6)Engineering test and test data management
- Experience with Software engineering concepts and systems including:
1)Agile development
2)Source Code Management
3)Application test and test management
- Experience with as many of the following vendor’s products as possible:
1)PTC (e.g. Windchill, PDM Link, Creo)
2)Siemens (e.g. NX, Teamcenter
5)Dassault Systemes
7)ARM Ltd
13)Mentor Graphics
15)GitHub Enterprise
- 4+ years and current Java/J2SE/J2EE experience, and proven object oriented development experience. Alternatively, MS Visual Studio; MS C# .NET; MS ASP.NET; MS ADO.NET; MS SQL Server; MS Office SharePoint Server; MS Team Foundation Server (TFS)
- Cloud development and deployment experience (e.g. Azure, AWS, etc.) a big plus.
- javascript/HTML experience a plus
- SOA/Service oriented experience, including work with both SOAP and ReSTful APIs
- Experience with containers (e.g. Docker, Windows Server Container)
- Experience with Configuration Management tools (e.g. Ansible, Chef, Puppet etc.),
- Experience with workload/task scheduling (e.g. Apache Aurora/Mesos, Yarn) is a plus
- Experience working in agile environments, with multiple full release cycles
- Deep understanding of object oriented programming, design patterns, data structures and algorithms
- Experience with other programming languages (e.g. Clojure, Scala, Go) as well as with declarative programming tools (e.g. Mendix) is a plus
- Experience with multiple DB technologies, including both relational and non-relational DBs (e.g. Cassandra, Redis, Mongo, Hadoop) is a plus
- Experience with Integration tools and technologies (e.g. Tibco, Snaplogic, MuleSoft) is preferred
- Familiarity with modern software development and Software Configuration Management (SCM), DevOps and Continuous Integration.
- Ability to work effectively in geographically dispersed team

*Other critical attributes:
- Willing to take the initiative and propose both direction and solutions
- Passion for technology
- Passion for collaboration
- Passion for customers
- Energetic, inspired, and dedicated to software craftsmanship
- Cares about the little things but can easily see the big picture
- Ability to translate business requirements into practical technical reality
- Ability and willingness to learn new material quickly and with little top down management

- 담당자 e-mail로 국 영문이력서/자기소개서 하나의 파일로 첨부
- 담당자: 강성묵
- e-mail: chris@manpower.co.kr
- 연락처: 02-6420-0344
- 메일제목을 반드시 'HP RND_본인이름'이라고 표기요망


퇴직금, 4대 보험


(443-370) 경기 수원시 영통구 매탄동 416

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접수기간 및 방법


2017.04.24 17:00
2017.04.28 23:59

관심기업 설정 후 다음 채용시 지원해 보세요.

중견기업, 외국인 투자기업, 외부감사법인
상용 인력 공급 및 인사관리 서비스업
11,000 명 (2023년 기준)
2015년 4월 9일 (업력 10년차)
1,400억원 (2023년 기준)
서울 강남구 테헤란로 409
* 항목은 기업이 직접 기재하였으며, 본사/지점 등의 정보는 다르게 관리될 수 있습니다.
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