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[한국화이자제약] Oncology - Medical&Scientific Relations

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회사내규에 따름
주 5일(월~금)
서울 중구
최저임금계산에 대한 알림 하단에 명시된 급여, 근무 내용 등이 최저임금에 미달하는 경우 위 내용이 우선합니다. 본 채용정보는 2024년 1월 1일 부터는  2024년 최저임금을 준수 합니다.

본 채용정보는 마감되었습니다.

한국화이자제약㈜에서 채용공고가 시작되면 이메일로 알려드립니다.





Medical&Scientific Relations



모집부문 및 자격요건

모집분야 담당업무 자격요건 및 우대사항


Medical&Scientific Relations    


- 하기 내용 참고

근무조건 및 환경



근무요일/시간 주 5일(월~금) 오전 9시~오후 6시

서울 - 중구

급여 회사내규에 따름
회사주소 (100-771) 서울 중구 회현동3가 1-11번지 화이자타워

접수기간 및 방법

접수기간 2017년 2월 15일 (수) 09시 ~ 2017년 3월 28일 (화) 18시
이력서양식 자유양식

홈페이지 지원

http://pfizercareers.com/apply 통해 접수.


좌측 ‘Search and Apply for Jobs’ 클릭 -> Asia Pacific Korea, Republic of 선택-> Job ID 1047258검색 -> 고유 계정 등록 -> 필수정보 입력 / 지원서, 개인정보 처리에 관한 동의서 파일 업로드 (MS Word/ PDF) -> 접수 완료)


- /영문 이력서와 자기소개서를 반드시 하나의 MS Word 파일로 제출해 주시고, 파일명은 영문으로지원자성명_지원포지션명’ (, ‘GilDong Hong_Position Title) 명시한 ‘Resume’란에 업로드 해주시기 바랍니다.


- 또한, 개인정보 보호법의 요구사항에 따라, 첨부의개인정보 처리에 관한 동의서(입사지원자용)’ 동의 여부를 체크하신 지원 ‘Cover letter’란에 업로드 해주시기 바랍니다. 이는 법적 요구사항으로, 동의서가 첨부되지 않은 지원서류는 검토 대상에서 제외됩니다.


Pfizer 채용사이트(http://pfizercareers.com/apply) 통한 지원 이외의 이메일 우편접수 등은 받지 않으며, 서류전형은 합격자에 한해서만 개별 통지되는 양해 부탁 드립니다.


- 경로로 지원이 되지 않으실 경우(koreatalentacquisition@pfizer.com)으로 문의 부탁 드립니다.





The main responsibilities are composed of three parts; [1] IIR & CTP (Compound Transfer Program) Coordination, [2] NIS management, [3] Medical Scientific Communication, as is already functional in some pharmaceutical industry organizations and [4] Scientific Support for Marketing Management.

[1] IIR & CTP Coordination

   Manage the whole operational process of IIR and CTP

   Proactively communicate with the investigators regarding the operational aspects of IIR

   Support the review of the proposal by Medical Lead (ML) or Medical Manager (MM) through searching the supporting literature and related studies inside or outside of Pfizer

   Assist ML or MM in encouraging the investigators to be involved in the preclinical study of the compounds in its early-stage of development

   If the proposal is well-structured and the investigator is proven compatible in local PCO level, MSR writes the approval letter in cooperation with ML or MM and gets the approval of ML  and forwards it to the regional/global team

   If the PCO review decides the proposal not-feasible, writes the declination letter in cooperation with ML or MM, acquires the approval of ML, accompanies in-house physician’s visit to the investigator to explain the decision of the review

   In review process, keeps constant contact with the regional/global IIR manager and if required, regional Director of Medical Affairs for review

   Once the proposal is forwarded to the GRC, MSR and/or ML or MM attend the GRC

   In global GRC, MSR and/or ML or MM represents the proposals and defends it

   After global GRC, proactively communicates with the investigator for the outcome of the GRC; approval, revision or declination

   Until the approval and the actual shipment of the compound if needed, MSR oversights the whole process and track the process

   MSR oversights the contract process.

   Order and distribute the drug of assigned amounts to the study sites

   Periodically send out the study status update form to the investigators to check the status of the study

   Publication/amendment is locally reviewed by ML or MM, and MSR will support the documentation using the standard template.


[2] Non-intervention study management

    • Responsible for delivering potential study sites to CRO in consultation with MM or ML.

    • Communication with alliance partner and subcontracted CRO regarding overall NIS operations

    • Checks the important NIS / regulatory PMS milestones and reports the progress & issues to MM or ML


      [3] Medical Scientific Communication

    • Communicate with the health-care professionals, esp. clinical investigators on the upfront knowledge of Pfizer products, whether in development or being marketed

    • Bridge Pfizer scientists and other internal resources to external health-care professionals and

      independent researchers of related sciences in order to facilitate clinical development of Pfizer products

    • When requested and guided by ML or MM, communicates with the external scientists to facilitate individual clinical development programs

    • Develop thought leader relationship and speaker.

    • Generate customer insight by closely aligning with commercial partners.

    • Support Outcomes Research study designing with relevant departments.


      [4] Scientific Support for Marketing Management

    • Supports ML or MM and Marketing/Product Managers by providing presentation materials on the most recent scientific progresses; this information is out of the scope of Medical Information; not always needs internal approval process.

    • Supports ML or MM and Marketing/Product Managers by providing the presented works at external scientific conferences

    • Review promotional materials from medical point of view, deliver medical training to sales force.

    • Working with relevant BU/BG, functional line, support the activities related to Risk Management Plan (RMP): RMP preparation/ implementation / MFDS reporting



    • Academic background in the science (Medical doctor or Master degree or above in pharmacy, science, nursing is preferred)

    • Experience of a minimum of 3 years in the pharmaceutical industry (CR, MI, OR etc)

    • Legibility of scientific and medical publications

    • knowledge of SOPs on Clinical Research and FCPA

    • Strong communication skill both in written and spoken Korean & English formats


4대 보험
점심식사 제공


(100-771) 서울 중구 회현동3가 1-11번지 화이자타워

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접수기간 및 방법


2017.02.15 09:00
2017.02.28 18:00

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