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Faculty Support and Projects Coordinator

핵심 정보

대졸(4년제) 이상
정규직, 계약직
면접 후 결정
주 5일(월~금)
인천 연수구
최저임금계산에 대한 알림 하단에 명시된 급여, 근무 내용 등이 최저임금에 미달하는 경우 위 내용이 우선합니다. 본 채용정보는 2024년 1월 1일 부터는  2024년 최저임금을 준수 합니다.

본 채용정보는 마감되었습니다.

메이슨코리아엘엘씨에서 채용공고가 시작되면 이메일로 알려드립니다.



George Mason University Korea (GMU Korea) is an extended campus of George Mason University, which has three campuses in the United States. GMU Korea is located on the Incheon Global Campus (IGC) in Songdo, South Korea. It began its operation in March 2014 and has quadrupled its enrollment since that date. GMU Korea students receive the same George Mason University degree as the students in the United States and spend one year on the U.S. campus near Washington DC. Faculty come from the US campus or other countries to teach the students at GMU Korea. Current degrees offered include accounting, finance, management, economics, and global affairs – all ranked in the top 100 in the world. In 2017-18 GMU Korea will add a graduate degree in systems engineering, as well as an undergraduate degree in conflict analysis and resolution.

Job Description

George Mason University Korea is now hiring a Faculty Support and Projects Coordinator to join our team. In this multifaceted role, you w     ill contribute to the smooth operation of the University by provide coordination and support to the Faculty. This is a contract position of 12 months.


Upon successful completion of the 1- year contract, this position will be considered for a full time position at George Mason University Korea.


More specifically, the duties of Faculty Support and Projects Coordinator will:


For Contact Management,

  • GMUK Directory: Manage Staff and Faculty Contact Numbers and Addresses


    For Supplies Management,

  • List Office Supplies and Material Supplies Needed in Faculty Offices and Copy Rooms and Request those Lists to Administrative Assistant


    For Faculty Housing Management.

  • Contact with the IGC Foundation for the New Faculty Housing

  • Contact with a Moving Company

  • Assist with Housing Supplies Repairs and Additional Request

  • Support EMS Pick Up Services


    For New Faculty Relocation Support,

  • Send a Notification Email for the Relocation: Airfare Fee Reimbursement, Faculty OT Schedule

  • Offer pick-up service once they arrive in Korea from airport

  • Make Welcome Packet

  • Make Bank Accounts

  • Purchase SIM Cards

  • Make Songdo Tour

  • Guide the Campus Facilities


    For Payment Request,

  • Relocation Reimbursement: Airfare, Shipping Fee, Visa Insurance Fee and etc.

  • Research Fund Reimbursement

  • Housing Supplies Fee for New Faculty

  • External Housing Maintenance Fees


    For Reimbursement Tracking Record,

  • Make Lists for Each Faculty Relocation Expense and Research Fund Reimbursement


    For Seminar Support,

  • Make Posters for seminars

  • Reserve Seminar Halls

  • Reserve Catering

  • Reserve Transportation and Housing (If External Seminar)


    For Postal Matter Support,

  • Support Postal Matters


    For the President Office Tasks Support,

  • Support Meetings Held by the President`s Office

  • Provide general support to President`s Office as needed


    For Project Coordination,

  • Coordinate and act as focal point for various university projects

  • Work with any/all related departments to ensure success


    For Event Planning,

  • Manage event planning (inclusive of scheduling, space allocation, procurement of supplies and services, etc.)


    Other duties as assigned


    Required Qualifications

  • Bachelor degree

  • Excellent written and verbal English and Korean language skills

  • Excellent interpersonal, organizational and public relations skills.

  • Work independently but also as a team member, and be able to prioritize work flow and report professionally

  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office suite especially Word and Excel

  • Highly ethical and motivated behavior is desirable

  • Similar Faculty Support and Projects Coordinator role is preferred      

  • Specific experience at University or international schools is an advantage



    Upon successful completion of the 1- year contract, this position will be considered for a full time position at George Mason University Korea.


    Application and Nomination Process

    Confidential inquiries are welcomed and nominations are invited.

a) Cover letter,

b) Resume,

c) Three references with contact information. (References will not be contacted without consent from applicants.)

    • All application materials should be submitted in English         

    • Review process will begin immediately. For best consideration, application materials should be received by July 10, 2017.

    • Interview will take place after Review process.



4대 보험


(406-840) 인천 연수구 송도동 송도문화로 119 인천 1호선 테크노파크역

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접수기간 및 방법


2017.06.26 22:00
2017.07.10 23:59

관심기업 설정 후 다음 채용시 지원해 보세요.


기타, 학교/교육기관
2012년 6월 27일 (업력 13년차)
159억 1,979만원 (2022년 기준)
인천 연수구 송도문화로 119
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