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조회기간 2024.08.26 ~ 2024.09.25

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한눈에 보는 우리 회사, 미리 확인해 보세요!

  • 업력 9년차

    2016년 3월 15일 설립


서울 강남구 테헤란로 323 휘닉스오피스텔 601호


Alex Stewart International and its worldwide group of companies extends over 40 countries employing more than 1000 staff to provide professional inspection and laboratory analysis to business and government sectors, the latter being the area of fastest expansion during the last few years. Alex Stewart International maintains a dedicated, personalized attention to all of its customers and provides technical expertise for inspection, weighing, sampling, analysis, testing and operational auditing of all commodities and products.

기업 직접입력 : 설립일, 업종, 홈페이지, 주소, 기업비전

우리는 단단하게 성장하고 있어요

Mr K. Alex Stewart founded the Alex Stewart International organization in 1978. He continued putting his knowledge of the metal business, managerial and people skills toward building up the network of other Alex Stewart companies to become one of the leading independent inspection and metal assayers in the world, acknowledged and accredited by reputable and well known metal institutions such as IPMI, LME, BIR and LBMA. In 2004, Alex Stewart Agriculture was merged by acquiring the A. Norman Tate and Huson and Hardwick Laboratories to provide GAFTA, FOSFA and UKAS accredited analysis for soft commodities such as grains, oilseeds, oils and fats to traders, millers, refiners and farmers mainly in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Peru, Thailand, UK and the Ukraine. In 2010, AS Metallurgy’s specialist metal laboratory became the newest partner to provide inspection and analytical services to the metal industry and became the business hub of the Alex Stewart International network of inspection offices.

In 2013, Alex Stewart expanded its analytical services with the incorporation of a new metals laboratory located in Sefton Science and Business Park, Liverpool, England.
출처 : 기업 직접입력

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