Sourcing Engineer(구매)
신입 및 경력직 채용(대리/과장급)

모집부문 및 상세내용

공통 자격요건
ㆍ학력 : 대졸 이상 (4년) 공학계열 전공자 신입
ㆍ경력 : 제조업 부문 구매 업무 3~10년 경력자(대리-과장급)
  • Support product commercialization teams and provide the strategic linkage between commodity management and the GENESIS NPI team,
  • Be responsible for the integration of selected suppliers into the front end design process and the management of joint development agreements,
  • Thus ensuring that all commercial and contractual objectives are met in a timely and cost effective manner.

  • - Lead and manage GENESIS NPI projects in EKL and report on progress.
  • - Define commodity and supply strategy in order to deliver value to operations, technical and the commercialisation process which drive down products costs and maximise quality. (This may include renegotiation, value engineering, price and quotation analysis, supplier development, supplier rationalisation, make vs. buy, outsourcing, low-cost country sourcing, strategic sourcing and demand management.)
  • - Provide project management and supply engineering support for new product development activities and liaise with UK/KR technical NPI project engineers.
  • - Provide close support to operations management for material supply. This involves leading structured review meetings with manufacturing cells to identify problems and apply the necessary corrective actions.
  • - Ensure that all materials and services required by GENESIS NPI project team are procured within agreed parameters, quality, inventory levels and delivery performance for all production suppliers in a timely and efficient manner.
  • - Ensure that all production suppliers are capable of meeting site requirements with respect to material supply of good components to arrive on time and in a responsive, consistent and cost effective manner. Identify risks to supply and develop and implement plans and implement policies to mitigate these risks.
  • - Responsibility for managing commercial terms of supply and implementing supply agreements through the commodity management function.
  • - Continually review GENESIS NPI purchasing systems/procedures and ensure that all supply management policies (tools, procedures, measures and processes) are commonly applied across sites and continuously developed strategies and implement improvement where appropriate. Develop and enforce the company’s ethical purchasing policy, and provide a sustainable procurement strategy.

ㆍ경력 : 신입 또는 경력 3년 ~ 10년(대리, 과장, 팀원급)
ㆍ필수 사항
- TOEIC 800급(점) 이상, TOEIC Speaking Test 7급(점) 이상, OPIC IH급(점) 이상
- 영어능통자, 해당직무 근무경험
ㆍ산업공학, 기계/전기/산업공학
ㆍ통계분석능숙자, 문서작성 우수자, PPT능력 우수자


근무일시: 08:30~17:30, 시차출퇴근제
근무지역:(31085) 충남 천안시 서북구 3공단6로 80 에드워드 코리아(주) 천안3공장(차암동)


  1. 서류전형
  2. 면접전형
    (직무/영어역량 평가)
  3. 최종합격

접수기간 및 방법

접수기간:2024년 5월 31일 까지 서류접수, 채용시 조기마감
접수방법:채용담당자 E-Mail( 또는 사람인 입사지원
지원서류:국/영문 이력서 및 국/영문 개인역량 기술서 각1부(자유양식, 경력자는 경력내용 상세기술)
** 영문서류 미제출시 서류전형 불합격 또는 별도제출 요청


ㆍ입사지원 서류에 허위사실이 발견될 경우, 채용확정 이후라도 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.