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기업 키워드 검색 횟수
- 복지는 내가 선택!
- 직원 건강이 우선!
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한눈에 보는 우리 회사, 미리 확인해 보세요!
+ 4
업력 11년차
2015년 3월 31일 설립
기업형태: 중소기업, 외국인 투자기업, 유한회사
- 업종
- 그 외 기타 기계 및 장비 도매업
- 대표자명
- 안드레아스아커만/하랄드군터마르콰르트/송병욱
- 사업내용
기계,장비 도매
- 주소
서울 강남구 논현로87길 19, 9층
At Marquardt, we are experts in interactive mechatronics and provide user-friendly interfaces between man and machine in innumerable areas of life. Whether you open your car or drive it, whether you start your power tool or control your heating, every day you are in contact with Marquardt. Additionally, we already developed many innovations today that will be available on the global market in the next few years. This is how we put the future at your fingertips. Admittedly, we are still working on the solution for a few challenges, but we have made one definite commitment for the benefit of our customers: If it's controllable in the future, it's by Marquita!
마르콰르트 (마쿼트)는 1925년에 독일에 설립된 오랜 전통의 회사로서, 자동차 메카트로닉스 전장 부품과 일반 산업용 스위치를 생산하는 OEM 부품 제조사 입니다. 주요 고객은 Daimler, VW Audi, BMW, GM 등이며 국내 또한 다수 고객사의 파트너로 성장하고 있습니다.
Can cars sense and respond to how the driver is feeling at a specific moment in time? Can warning systems perceive how dangerous a situation really is and make autonomous driving safe? Can dishwashers think for themselves and thereby achieve better results? Whether it’s in the field of (e-)mobility, the smart home or the Internet of Things, Marquardt connects man and machine with intelligent, electronic and electromechanical systems and components. That’s how we make life easier. For our customers. And for our customers’ customers. While the end user may not know there’s a piece of Marquardt integrated in their car or household appliance, they’ll certainly feel the progressive benefits. Because Marquardt puts the future at your fingertips.
NICE 평가정보 출처 : 설립일, 기업형태, 업종, 대표자명, 사업내용, 주소
기업 직접입력 : 홈페이지, 기업소개, 기업비전
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